Rear End Funny

Any ideas for some British hauliers. It could be In case of accident please ring Network Rail for one that I can think of.

Used to be a potato merchant around Manchester with a sign on the back of the truck saying “In case of fire, chip pan in cab”.

Was overtaken by a van yesterday and written in the dirt on the back was:

Soapy sponge wanted for good clean fun

Better than the normal “wish my wife was this dirty”.

stobarts…no hill too tall…no bridge too small :slight_smile:

They thought they would…


It’s must be something about Medway!

Belgium firm Fockers made me chuckle.
Imagine the chat in the cafe :
“Hey mate, not seen you for a while, who do work for now ?”
" Fockers "
"OK mate, I heard about them, bunch of Fockers

saw it this morning on a lorry:

The Best of The Best

Sad transport

They thought they would…

‘We Fit’ Sack the sign writer I say.