Driver Shortage - What happened? T&D wants your views!

Would any of these operators be willing to come on and explain why…■■

I would genuinely like hear the reasons they are in such a predicament.

Well as an employer I’m seriously considering asking for that brown envelope I handed to Tony Blair back! :imp:

He promised me a ready supply of cheap labour at almost minimum wage, saying I’d never have to worry again about T&C’s and driver retention. But he’s a liar, and even the EE’s are turning their noses up at what I’m offering saying there’s easier ways to scrape an existence without doing 60+ hours a week with silly start times, compulsory overtime at what I think is a rather generous quid an hour extra. They say they don’t like the constant harassment by some spotty oik on the phone, interrogation after the event needing to explain every minute on the Tacho, Filthy RDC holding cells, ■■■■ stenched parking, and exorbitantly priced greasy slop that devours any night out money they get whole. They say that they’d rather work in another industries, and just leave the battered truck in the yard after filling out the insurance claim forms yet again… :smiling_imp:

Well Mr Blair, I hope you rot in hell as this isn’t what you promised me, and if I can’t get away with paying minimum wage, and start having to care for my staff, how the hell am I meant to undercut the competition and keep the firm running? May I remind you that I need to cream off a tidy wage for half the hours of my drivers, and my Aston doesn’t run on fairy dust you Twonk!!! :angry:

Come on Mr Blair, tell me■■? :imp: :imp: :imp: