So you want Christmas off

Sent from a fellow dogger…

Now to be fair companies do like staff to work over Crimbo, but I can’t be unfair in thinking only being allowed one off in every 3 years a little harsh.

Could be worse at least you don’t have to be in a lucky dip to get it. Or in this case a raffle…

Be on the agency. Turn your phone off whenever you want a holiday. You’ll get work when you turn it back on because agencies aren’t earning money unless you’re out working.

I said it before. Being a FTW at a family firm beats being at a blue chip company when it comes to holidays. None of this 3 months notice crap for a week off. I have managed days off before with 1 days notice if it’s Ok with the planner and others can make up for me being off by doing an extra delivery/collection.

My rota this year Rest rest shift stand down 24 stand down 25 rest rest :grimacing: not a days holiday used

My rota this year says: Off: 366 days Work: 0 days .
Away on holidays : 24 Planned so far.
But if someone said I was allowed to drive a wagon over Crimbo I probably would do it.
Strange really, the things you miss.

Sent from a fellow dogger…

Now to be fair companies do like staff to work over Crimbo, but I can’t be unfair in thinking only being allowed one off in every 3 years a little harsh.

Could be worse at least you don’t have to be in a lucky dip to get it. Or in this case a raffle…

Easily done when your on a rota,worked Xmas with the prospect of next one off BUT the next year was a leap year which put me back on again

I wonder if the person who sent that to your trucks device will be working Christmas?

never worked christmas day or boxing, wherever I have worked i always tell them from the start they are the only two days of the year I will not work whether rostered on or not never had to argue the point after that. they usually say thats ok have plenty who will for the extra money.

So you’ve worked the last two chrimbos and your fate is down to a lottery for a 3rd :laughing:

Any half decent company would offer proper coin and look for volunteers over that stupid arrangement.

I would be ill - its that simple never worked any of xmas or new year if I didn’t want to.

when single and xmas didn’t matter I would work it so the family lads could have it off but it was my choice not forced.

I would be ill - its that simple never worked any of xmas or new year if I didn’t want to.

when single and xmas didn’t matter I would work it so the family lads could have it off but it was my choice not forced.

I worked at one place that said only staff with young family could have Christmas off. Strange that I didn’t last until Christmas!

the maoster:
I wonder if the person who sent that to your trucks device will be working Christmas?

I hope not its the wife.

Captain Caveman 76:

I would be ill - its that simple never worked any of xmas or new year if I didn’t want to.

when single and xmas didn’t matter I would work it so the family lads could have it off but it was my choice not forced.

I worked at one place that said only staff with young family could have Christmas off. Strange that I didn’t last until Christmas!

I’m sure that can’t be legal, as it’s clear discrimination!
It’s policies like that, that out of principle would make me NOT want to work Xmas, whether I had a young family or not.
As said previously, if the firm is offering decent money for those holidays, I’m sure staffing wouldn’t be an issue…


the maoster:
I wonder if the person who sent that to your trucks device will be working Christmas?

I hope not its the wife.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: . In that case let me present this scenario; Christmas off = Dipper Dave in the good books due to his recent successful tongue extension, Christmas at work = Dipper Dave in the doghouse due to poor technique and Mrs Dipper off on a solo trip armed with three spare sets of car keys! :wink:

If your firm gives as much attention to detail on the holiday system as they did typing and spacing that message, then I’m not suprised you haven’t had much holiday out of them Dave

I’m definitely off this Crimbo Maoster just in case.

Luckily the wife is still in the doghouse due to a coitus misshap when after a rather forcefull thrust (she was definitely egging me on) one of my ■■■■■■■■ went in, such was the pain that she has promised to restart her pelvic floor exercises tout sweet.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

End of the day if those who haven’t had Crimbo off for the last 2 year ain’t on a rota then it’s their own stupid fault for not putting their holidays in earlier. Our place do a first come first served and my holidays for over Xmas go in when we are allowed to put our fresh holiday days in which is the start of febuary.
Simple really ain’t it. :wink:

It’s stuff like this that makes me put up with all of the aggravation that goes with being an owner-driver, I’m either available for work on a given date or I’m not, and that choice is entirely mine.

Harry Monk:
It’s stuff like this that makes me put up with all of the aggravation that goes with being an owner-driver, I’m either available for work on a given date or I’m not, and that choice is entirely mine.

Saw you on the M5 going s/b about 3 week ago around Taunton area around about 7am-8am Harry. I was heading upto Bidisham for land drainage.