This truck stop needs your support!

We may be in a position to lobby for this to get the go ahead…Truck stop Liverpool, see and leave a comment.

am I missing something here, a new truck stop wishes to open and asks drivers their opinion, and no one replies, all the talk of diesel theft, disgusting toilets, etc, I would have though we would all plead for it,

Where exactly is the proposed truck k stop, the map says Seaforth but it looks more likelLitherland, map is not very clear.
I know a lot of wagons overnight in and around bootle and dunningsbridge Road.

Looks like the football pitches opposite the golf club off the A5036

The old Everton academy on park lane? That’s Netherton I can’t see the locals agreeing to that, a housing estate is behind those fields.

thatll be evrtons old training ground then, not the best place to put a truckstop, backs on to residentials, and they call that area dodge city for a reason, imagine all the crack heads on that estate waking up one day to find million pound loads in there back garden, a better proposal would be the old car place just over the bridge after copy lane police station, or even better on the dock road itself, there is a massive piece of abandoned land that we used to take the bikes on, and a lot of its already hard standing, out of most peoples way and a lovely sea view when you wake up in the morning

And that housing estate used to be nick named dodge city, draw your own conclusions :laughing:
plugster beat me to it.

orrrr, tesco litherland is closing soon and that car park is massive could do a deal to rent the tarmac off them

i was writing that wile you made your first reply :slight_smile:, it would be the only truckstop that the police would close down on grounds of crime, some lovely people live on the estate but unfortunatly the council sem to herding it full of smack heads lately

As I have previously said elsewhere I spoke to a guy David McRae of he told me that as part of a business plan, input was required from US the drivers, to include in the justification section For information the site is on Atlantic Park…the old site of English Electric later to be known as Cooper Energy/Rolls-royce. Also on that site was a huge bonded warehouse. Passing it three times a week it looks secure and an ideal location.

Aha so it’s not the football fields, I know the old rolls Royce site, a few new developments on there, as it’s former industrial and to a certain extent still is it should be handy as s Truckstop if secure. It’s a bit local for me to stay over in but if it has a cafe, count me in :wink:
Good luck and hope it’s comes to fruition.

orrrr, tesco litherland is closing soon and that car park is massive could do a deal to rent the tarmac off them

WTF! Is that true? Do my weekly there.