How long is yours?

I ve noticed a growing fashion developing for overtaking drivers to cut in early and twice this week forcing me to take to the hard shoulder because they just aren’t as clever as they think they are.
I suspect they are trying to prove that they don’t need to be flashed in.
If you are one of these wooden heads then please stop it.

I’m getting a bit peeved off with it as well…
it is big,
but its not clever,
some white van drivers are the same…

I tend to get overtaken more than i overtake if you know what i mean but i do know how long i am but out of courtesy you should wait to be flashed in as some drivers like myself feel uneasy up the arse of a wagon and enjoy a reasonable gap in front, if i do overtake someone and don’t get flashed in i usually give it longer then pull in after indicating.

Aswell as the OP, there seems to be more drivers who don’t flash at all, now I have pretty good idea off how long the truck is, and don’t require acknowledgement that it is safe to return, but it makes life simpler :wink:

I don’t know about others, but I like to wait a bit longer before flashing in an aggregate tipper or skip lorry, just so if a stone comes flying out the wheel it has a chance to meet the ground before my head lamps. Any off the said vehicle drivers on here, don’t take offence, I’m not having a go at you, I don’t expect you to extract every stone from your wheels before you take to the roads, that’s not practicle, but me allowing a bit more room between us is :wink:

Havnt been overtaken in 22 years,suppose thats the joys of living and working in Norway,all joking aside i know where your coming from guys,its friggin annoying,


I didn’t mean to impy that I don’t flash people in. I do. My point was you hardly get the bloomin chance to before they’re swiping yer mirrors off!
They try and pull in just to demonstrate how smart they are.
It’s always been the same in this industry. Surely we’ve got enough to contend with without carving each other up.

Oh look. It’s the weekly flash/don’t flash thread again. :unamused:

bald bloke:
I tend to get overtaken more than i overtake if you know what i mean but i do know how long i am but out of courtesy you should wait to be flashed in as some drivers like myself feel uneasy up the arse of a wagon and enjoy a reasonable gap in front, if i do overtake someone and don’t get flashed in i usually give it longer then pull in after indicating.


Left hand down!:
Oh look. It’s the weekly flash/don’t flash thread again. :unamused:

Well maybe if you read it you would realise it’s NOT about flashing in.

I rest my case re truckers against truckers.


Left hand down!:
Oh look. It’s the weekly flash/don’t flash thread again. :unamused:

Well maybe if you read it you would realise it’s NOT about flashing in.

Give it time, it’s already heading that way.

I’ve worked a system driving the 3.5T that once the passenger side headlight of the truck is in my pass side Mirror I’m a decent distance in front as to not take the windscreen wipers off. Half the time I get flashed before then and acknowledge and pull in, if not I wait till that moment I’m happy. I’d rather hang out a little longer in lane 2 than potentially cause a problem to the driver I’m passing.

Most dont flash you in because they are being overtaken all the time and its ■■■■■■ them off flashing ppl all day :slight_smile: me myself I like to flash ppl in

looks like its started again now… :unamused:

We’ve got one tractor unit and seven trailers so most of the time I can’t remember how long I am. The wagon goes like a stabbed cat so I do tend to overtake more than I’m passed.

Usually I’m trying to keep one eye ahead and one eye in the mirror hoping to see a flash which is why I prefer overtaking in the dark rather than bright sunny days.

If I miss the flash (quite often) I keep my boot down for a while, if I see the flash I’m really grateful.

Please keep flashing :open_mouth:



bald bloke:
I tend to get overtaken more than i overtake if you know what i mean but i do know how long i am but out of courtesy you should wait to be flashed in as some drivers like myself feel uneasy up the arse of a wagon and enjoy a reasonable gap in front, if i do overtake someone and don’t get flashed in i usually give it longer then pull in after indicating.


I have never had any complaints about how long I am… I get flashed all the time and never up anyone’s arse,always up the front bottom. Never had any problems leaving any gaps & always take longer then pullout then unload. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiling_imp:

The majority of knob ends don’t flash you in these days

The majority of knob ends don’t flash you in these days

Which is what I believe makes other knobends carve you up…to prove that they don’t need flashing in.

It’s not the length that matters…

It’s not the length that matters…

NEW THREAD ------------- How Wide Is Yours ■■

Maybe there’s a catch 22 here…

I don’t want someone pulling in too soon, so I don’t flash until I think there is a safe distance to let the overtaking driver in without infringing too much on my stopping distance buffer.

Meanwhile, overtaking driver is looking for a flash, doesn’t get it soon enough so pulls in anyway assuming no flash is coming.

Give me enough time and space and I’ll flash. Trouble is, my idea of a safe margin is bigger than some - two seconds is a LONG way at 53mph…