Steering Wheel Attendant

Now NOT required :open_mouth: … icles.html

So plenty of free time then to watch a DVD on the laptop without the fear of being prosecuted. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Is it not the only exercise a drive gets, by turning the steering wheel? They better build bigger trucks to accommodate the expanding waistlines :open_mouth:

And then you read the comment section and realise nothing changes, It still full of the ill informed, bigoted comments you’d expect from daily mail readers.

Boots on the the dash and a general couldn’t care less attitude, has to be an agency driver.

Once compulsory fitted to all trucks, a ban on using lane 2 will follow, max speed will be reduced to 80kph with a set distance of 100m between trucks.

I’d rather be on the bunk than boots on the dash Agy driver style:lol