Warning Sign

is emmissions add blue. mine did it once

hand book will tell you if it comes on to clean your dpf

Park the vehicle in the open air at least 2 meters clear of passing pedestrians, buildings or combustible materials. • Engine at idle • Coolant temperature at least 60°C • Park brake applied • Foot brake not applied .
press the button on dash.
engine will then rev up and down like mad book says it takes about an hour.

1st time it came on I did this. waited and waited well over an hour nothing happened was still revving it balls off.

so I gave up turned the engine off. started up again to drive back to the yard light still on after about an hour driving I looked down noticed it had gone off never been back on again.

was told it usually comes on if you do a lot of stop start multidrop deliveries. it just needs a good blast up a motorway to enable all the rubbish to be cleared out of the system