Is it me or has diesel seemed to go up again this week?

times have changed mate the miners strikes were years ago …
striking will get you no where these days … face it …an agency driver will come in and do your job

and stick your personal " likes of you " attack where the sun doesnt shine

and also adding that whilst your self absorbed in handing out abuse and making people think they should strike , i think you have forgotten blair and prescott succeded in securing emergency powers if the fuel strikes were to happen again , and i will bet a pound to a penny that vital supplies like food and water deliveries made it onto that emergency power list … so whilst your stood on the picket line not being payed the army and the police will move in and take the trucks … in the meantime the general public is watching news bulletins of hospitals running out of food and supplies , old people at home starving because there is no food in the shops …
see where i,m going with this …
i,ve worked with people like you in the past . i steer clear and ignore people like you …

that is all
