Being contacted during a daily rest period


I was wondering how others would feel being text by work during your rest periods

Does anyone else on here have a similar scenario.

I’m agency, I get texts for the next day’s work on a daily basis plus one a week asking for my availability and the odd occasional mass text and always during my rest periods as I work nights.

Couldn’t give a toss, don’t care. Is it really worth getting your knickers in a twist and marking your cards over something that takes up a whole 10 seconds of your time, 20 if you send an “OK thanks” reply?

I’m mostly with Conor on this one but probably because I’ve also spent a long time doing agency nights so it just becomes par for the course. The hardest part is conditioning the agency staff to not expect a confirmation reply, as most of them do. When they send my start time for the night at 10-11am in the middle of my sleep then there’s no way I’m waking up to reply to it. The agreement is that they send the start time that needs to be between agreed hours and I will automatically accept the assignment. The phone stays on silent and I see the start time when I wake up in the afternoon. What does ■■■■ me off are the 18 page long text messages they send about timesheets prior to a bank holiday :angry: but that’s another tale.

For working days as a full-timer, I’m in agreement with Juddian above. If they’re planning you for 5-6am start times at 8-9pm the night before then I’d have something to say, along the lines of suggesting they employ a better planner. If I’m not starting til mid to late morning, then I wouldn’t mind.