how come......

how come everytime i wash the car it [zb] down with rain :smiling_imp:

how come everytime i empty the cat litter tray the bloody thing has to go afterwards

anymore how comes…?


How come…every time I come on Trucknet my wife says “Do you fancy an early night?” :wink:

(I wish!!") :frowning:

how come… when my mrs says “come on…” the rugrats wake up!

How come your missus says “come on” and mine doesnt?.

:smiley: :slight_smile:

How come Life just starts to go right for a change… then it all starts to go pear shaped again… :unamused: :unamused:

How come just when it seems spring is around the corner, we get another 2ft of damm snow ? :confused:

How come your missus says “come on” and mine doesnt?.
:smiley: :slight_smile:

How come you have a missus and I don’t. :laughing:
How come the woman I am chatting up turns out to be a lesbian :blush:
Or she introduces me to her boyfriend who is better looking, more sucessfull and richer than me. :cry:

How come the woman I am chatting up turns out to be a lesbian :blush:

is that what they tell you? :open_mouth: :smiley: :open_mouth: :smiley:

How come the guys that dont pull say the Lady was a lesbian?? :smiley:

Yep! could get paranoid. :laughing:

There is some truth to the quote. I once work for a company and a couple of the girls there were lesbians, but not partners. This wasn’t a problem we all knew and they were good bunch to work for, but always made us lads look bad come valentines because they went overboard on pressies for their partners where as we might buy a card and box of choccies. :frowning:
Back to the story. One day a new girl starts and I’m working with her, I think she’s nice and we get chatting and I think I stand a chance she mentions she’s living with a girl, but I think oh her flatmate. It was only later that day that someone says she Sue’s “friend” :blush: Big clang as the penny drops! :smiley:

Do Kangaroo get Hemaroids?.

how come i’m here and your not :question:

how come day follows night :question:

how come kids have perfect timing :question:

how come the phone always rings just as you start dinner :question:

how come some one starts a list like this and I can’t think of anything to add :cry: :frowning:

HOW COME I CAN DRINK FIVE PINTS AND WEE TWENTY? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

How cpme I was born handsome instead of rich? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

How come your a pain and I’m not :smiley: :smiley: :wink: :wink:

how come woman think they know it all :laughing: :laughing:

how come woman always have the last word :laughing: :laughing:

how come i’m brave enough to type this :laughing: :laughing:

how come frying pans come in the shape of a man’s head :laughing: :laughing: