Down with the supermarkets. (In a sense)

Now I’ve got a problem with the supermarkets. I realised this when I had a joint of beef from our local butcher for a special Sunday roast. It turned out to be only slightly cheaper than the supermarkets (I won’t name names) but was so much better quality :smiley: and locally produced (I’ve seen his farm) on a small scale with happy animals (well I suppose it was until I ate it :open_mouth: ). This started me looking for the local producers who grow their own veg and produce their own meat and will sell fresh veg for instance (picked either the day before or that day) direct to the public at a good price. Suprisingley their’s quite a few of them about. It’s costing me about the same for a weekley shop, it’s taken a bit more effort from me, but the quality of the food’s so much better and so’s my quality of life (sad isn’t it). I’m going to try growing my own veg this year in a bit of ground I’ve borrowed for the purpose (the work I’m doing allows me to do that as I’m home nights). I’m looking foreward to this summer. The problem is they provide so many of us with work. I guess I’m going to have to live with my loathing.

I must say I do like fresh, proper food but with my income and outgoings at the mo’, the good guys can’t compete with Netto (cue: phrase from Crocodile Dundee ref eating bugs). :sunglasses:

Fresh bread is the main thing tho’. Usually get it from Safeway but I’ve got enough points on my Nectar card now so this week it’s down to Argos and a breadmaker for a fiver :laughing: :laughing: I also make my own flapjacks for workday breakfast - out the yard, stop at a services for a coffee (expensive, but just the thing to set up your day) then munch the flapjacks and swig the coffee on the way to the drop area…marvellous :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Just reading the paper today (Daily Mail) and there’s a bit in there about fruit and veg not having as high a vitamin and mineral content as they had in the past due to changes in shopping/farming habits :astonished:

Tartan I think that was mentioned on either the jeremy Vines show or Wrighty today, I think it was wrighty as Tim Smith(again not sure) had a right laugh at it!!
