Trumpets storm US capitol


The irony for those nut jobs who stormed government buildings is if they end up with felonies they will lose their right to own guns & lose their right to vote! :open_mouth: Oh! dear…how sad… never mind.

But you obviously have no problem with ‘their’ right to hold guns and to use them to take away and replace your vote with world governance.You obviously also don’t see ‘them’ as being the fascist ‘nut jobs’ here.

That’s what I call weird.

Felons and terrorists in the eyes of Communists intent on world ■■■■■■■■■■ you couldn’t make it up.

I’m at a loss as to what the heck you mean any more!!! You speak double Dutch half the time & I’m glad it’s not just me who has no friggin’ idea what you mean!!!