
A glass of water is set before you on a table that you are sitting at.

"What’s that?" you ask.

“Water” comes the reply.

“Can you prove it?”

If you can climb into it, and get wet - you’ve proved it for youself, and don’t need to ask that question.

I can’t do that, and you know it.

So by refusing logic and common sense, you’ve asked a question that makes you look like an idiot, and leaves me as sole arbiter of truth - in this room at least.

Nothing is real, insanity is the only truth.

The glass of water analogy only sets the alarm bells ringing if anyone says you must/will drink it. :bulb: :wink:

At which point I’m not interested in asking what’s in it nor caring about whatever they tell me is in it.All trust in their narrative and anything they do has gone at that point.

Which leaves the question of reverse psychology.In which case they don’t put the glass of ‘water’ in front of me and/or say that I must drink it even if they do.
Because they already know that I won’t trust them if they put any suggestion of compulsion into the mix and vice versa why would I bother asking what’s in it if they didn’t.Surely I’d then just take their claim, that it’s water put on the table, for granted. :bulb:

Which leaves the next question exactly what type of an agenda would be thinking along the lines of using that double cross to persuade the mark to drink the Mickey Finn or enter ‘the showers’. :bulb: