Ammonium Nitrate (Beirut)




You made pipe bombs in school? Was this ‘school’ a terrorist training camp in the desert?

No just an early 1970’s Greater London Comprehensive.I guess they couldn’t make Please Sir more realistic in that regard because of the political climate in the day.We also did lesser activeties like nicking the bulbs from RT buses and finding they fitted in mains bulb holders to almost similar effect when the lights were switched on. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Likely story. I’ve informed the authorities that I believe you to be Abu Hamza. He is obsessed with wobbly drawbars too apparently. I believe it’s your double in prison in the US, Abu Carry

Blimey next you’re going to try to fit me up with the Beirut explosion on the basis of circumstancial evidence that I delivered around 800 tonnes of Amonium Nitrate and more than a few jerry cans full of diesel to that warehouse, all hand ball, with a drawbar outfit and rigged it all to go up in a few shifts.All based on my previous form during my mispent schooldays.But got the address of the warehouse wrong so blew up the wrong side. :smiling_imp:
