Eagerbeaver gofundme page

Funny is that…I got the same phone call, I felt like I was on the Samaritans switchboard ffs, he was inconsolable.
He kinda came around after I made him feel better by telling him that he could now finally call himself a ‘Proper Trucker’ now that he has had a night in a cab, and that people will stop telling him he’s an amateur who just plays at it.

Think it must have gone to his head a bit though, as he was asking me where he could buy a baseball cap, checked shirt and cowboy boots,.and wanted to be now known as ‘Rubber Beaver’ . :neutral_face:

As for the funding :open_mouth: …Aye right :unamused: , not a chance in hell of him getting a ■■■■ penny out of me until he takes his turn for buying a breakfast for a change. :imp: