Why can't we have a vote - out with deal or no deal?

Here’s some facts. Britain is a parliamentary democracy and that means that every four years we give a government authority to rule based on their manifesto pledges. Legally, referendums are non-binding and the government are entitled to ignore them and let parliament decide on behalf of the people. However, both remainers Cameron and May promised the 2016 result would be binding and May went back on her word.

That’s the big upset at the moment and the last time parliament decided they were more powerful than those they represent, Cromwell dissolved parliament. It’s that serious. Brexit throws into question the whole meaning of democracy, because if a majority is over ruled by a minority that were voted into power to represent them, what point is there in voting? How could we ever trust a parliament again that breaks its promises to the nation and blatantly lies to them?

Personally, I think this is so serious the Queen should break centuries old royal protocol, address parliament and give her view on all this.

1 ) The government/parliament doesn’t have the authority to delegate its responsibility to a foreign locally unelected foreign power.( EU Federal government ).

  1. How can a referendum be binding when we know it’s not a legally binding document.Which of course could also have been a double edged sword if remain had won it and then Leave side chose rightly to ignore the result.On the grounds that it couldn’t be binding and even if it was no one has the right to vote the country out of existence.

As for the Queen the Royal Perogative applies in the case of ultimate command of the forces and with it matters of National defence and obviously sovereignty.A government having gone rogue as above would obviously fit those circumstances of HM being able to order a coup against parliament on grounds of national emergency and in the national interest to stop a foreign takeover.Instead of which she chose to …sign the assent to the European Communities Act.As expected coming from a family history admired by chief architect of German Federalism Bismark.

While parliament then went one better by setting the precedent that it’s also supposedly ok to vote the country out of existence assuming that it can rig an illegal referendum sufficiently to get the right result.What could possibly go wrong. :unamused: