Brexiteers against free movement?

Grumpy Dad:
Has the government and left wing snowflakes actually sat down and thought about why Britain has a labour shortage, it’s because each and every government has promised to help the unemployed with increased benefits and handouts.
Britain has become a ever wanting society, the students want free learning with the bill passed to the tax payer, and paying tax is something the soap dodging layabouts will never pay as they bounce from course to course, grant after grant increasing the debt they’ll never pay, the unemployed who see living life on handouts a far easier existence than having to carry out manual labour to put food on the table.

Britain has its own viable workforce and maybe it’s time society was gripped by the balls and this workforce was put to use instead of increasing our national debt and our need for foreign labour.

Yep,a rising tide raises all boats as the saying goes,sad that our boats in old blighty remain perma stuck in the clag,rapidly taking on water,for want of a far better metaphor. :neutral_face: