Scared in a truck tell your story!

something like juddians …winter rural Scotland on a 6wheeler ,narrow roads …in the distance was another one of ours I was catching up quickly (driver in front was giving me the keep it chapping on the 2 way )over a little hump kf road was covered in thick ice ,fields had flooded earlier that week and Gordon B was standing having a leak against his wheels knowing full well I was behind him…im now going sideways continuing to 180 facing the way I come ."telling "Gordon to get moving NOW"well hes spinning trying to move :blush: well I shot past Gordon on the verge backwards on the ice and stopped a fair bit on. :open_mouth: Not a lot was said , glad I was lucky . lesson well learned by me ,about ice road conditions …and Gordon never ran front door for any o us again. a tale from the 80s. Similar story about 15yrs later same company …this time in a RCV a dennis iirc winter again at the top o a switchback down into a valley morning still darkish the crew and myself spot carlights going down the bottom section, ohhh the car made it so can we DUH ….so off we went low gear on the auto box round first corner THEN that sick feeling you get in your stomach the ditches had all overflowed /ran in by farm machinery and frozen .I drove the front intae “the ditch” but all that did was to act like a post as it wwhipped the back end right round and down the switchback I went until the hopper bottomed out on the first switch and it stopped us from flying over the edge about 30ish ft into the field………………………was stuck there 8hrs until I was winched up (not to mention one o the rescue vans loaded with salt came down along side me ). Seems the lights we saw was the farm worker who got stuck and turned back down. Alls fun until I run out o coffee jimmy