What's good for Putin, good for Brexiters

Yes, brexiters have put in place a blockade of their brains, don’t want to hear or no of any alarm bells ringing all over the place, they just don’t want know.

I was hesitant yesterday about placing that link in here, especialy from the Guardian, knowing full well, it wouod be discounted as another story from remainers newspapers, but since noticing every news broadcaster had the same story running, even brexiters very own, favourite daily mail:


Putin betting on brexit, a short video from bbc, yes the same bbc, that has been bullied by brexiters to fall into line, and stop spreading lies about brexit:
bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-eur … n-a-brexit

You might not have noticed it but the Daily Mail has also turned into another pro EU propaganda outlet.It’s only the Telegraph now which is even half committed to telling what it takes to extricate the country from the EU’s ■■■■■■■■■■ like it is.

In this case the only alarm bells ringing should be those related to the stinking non country of the EU and its unelected leaders trying to hijack the sovereignty of Europe’s Nation States and then illegally swaggering about on the world stage by pretending that the result is a Federal Nation State in its own right with its own national borders.While at least Putin has the validity of being the leader of an internationally recognised Nation State unlike Juncker and co.On that note yes I for one would rather trust Putin than lying unelected megalomaniacs like Juncker and Barnier etc and their vichy style puppet regime laughably masquerading as the UK parliament.

No surprise that Brexit as it stands goes along the typical EUSSR lines of keep voting until we get the answer it wants.Or in this case desperately just ignoring the referendum vote,probably after having thought that it had rigged the referendum count but some how failed.

Which leaves the question why did Farage think that its ok to vote a country out of existence and into that of vassal state of a wannabee Suerpstate regardless and not call for a boycott of traitor Cameron’s sham ‘referendum’ accordingly.Although to be fair it seems strange as to why Putin didn’t also make that point.