Brexit - is my thinking a bit off?

Rory Stewart, who seems to be the only MP with a brain, explained it on the radio the other day.

There’s only 30 - 60 MPs in the HoC who would vote for a no deal Brexit.

There’s a similar number who would vote Remain or for a 2nd EU ref.

Most MPs will vote for a deal. Parliament gets the last say, as defined by the BRITISH court.

We know what the deal is.

Oh, don’t you like it?

Get over it, you won!


The problem being that the ‘deal’ in question effectively means the same thing as remain + and Cameron and the Leave manifesto made the terms of Brexit clear.( Leave means Leave not BRINO/Remain + ).It seems obvious where the argument goes from there just like most of the other Federalist v Nationalist/Secessionist arguments throughout history.While,unlike even the Yugoslav Federation for example,the EU doesn’t even have the validity/legality of being a recognised state.What could possibly go wrong.Especially if Russia sees the opportunity of supporting and kicking off a proxy/civil war between Brit secessionists v EU federalists.With the Brit secessionists having the moral high ground of defending an internationally recognised nation state against the criminal imposition of a rogue dictatorship adding insult to injury by pretending that it is a country.