Macron, Trump, the Deep States, and the Globalists

I’ve just watched the dual-appearance of Trump and Macron on the telly, live from Macron’s state visit to America today.

Trump speaks, and uses a load of phrases not normally his, and slurs some of the words, so they can have an altogether different meaning.

I am left wondering if Trump knows what he’s doing, and has stepped up to be the craftiest “Non-Professional” politician ever OR he’s just been backed into a corner, and slurring his words to turn them into double-entendres - is just his meek way of protesting all this rubbish he’s clearly been leaned on to say.

Top of my list are Trump’s intonation of the two word “Isis Killers”. The sentence was supposed to portray the meaning “Killers that are members of ISIS”. Instead, Trump’s inflectives make it sound like “Killers OF ISIS”.

Now, this wouldn’t be a problem, except that he’s talking of French and American action “against” the “Killers of ISIS” almost as if to atone for the travesty that’s happening in the North East of Syria as we speak - The Kurds, formerlly killing ISIS - now thrown under the Western Military bus, whilst that same West aids and abets Syrian Rebels, already known to be allied with ISIS - re-capture territory rightfully liberated by Soverign leader Assad.

Trump finishes speaking, and it’s time for Macron to take the podium.
I’m thinking "I’ll listen to what Macron has got to say, as it’ll be interesting to see similar inflections, and of course patterns - to see if my suspicion is correct, that Macron already wrote the bigger part of Trump’s speech just read out beforehand…

And then - bugger me! - Macron opens up in FRENCH when we already know he speaks perfectly good English!
There we see a major weapon used by Macron previously against Marine Le Pen’s election campaign. Conservatives, and others of the RIght, tend to not be very skilled in foreign languages…
Macron’s speech cannot be examined - unless you’re French is upto scratch AND you’re a conspiracy theorist looking for some angles. Alas, my lack of French - means that person ain’t me on this occasion.

I’ll just have to conclude that Trump is further weakening his core support now, going over too much with the Globalist Puppets, instead of bringing Western Wrath down upon the nations actually supplying the Terrorists, and money for Terrorism, rather than just a anarchaic land ripe for takeover by more and more globalist puppets.

A war vs Iran or Russia? - If the West wants to “go large” in the middle east - then it’s time Saudi actions in Yemen got onto the radar, Turkish actions in Syria got on the Radar, and dare I say, Israel actions everywhere in the middle east, where they are not wanted. This includes sorties into Syria alongside all the other rabbles in there of course.

The downside for the Globalists if they get sussed-out? - Trump doesn’t get re-elected.
The upside? - They can work strings on Trump, and get their backdoor stuff done after all - that we all thought we’d already voted against at previous elections.
Trump is now acting like we were afraid Hiliary would, had she become president.
The Liberal Elites are still acting like they run the show - because they are of course,
The Left still shower their ire on incumbents that face enormous headwinds - despite winning their respective elections at home.
Who cares much for Poland, Hungary, Austria, or even Russia these days?

Meanwhile, back in blighty - it’s been a quiet week for news.

If they can stage/fake airliners acting like missiles taking out the WTC and flying at zero feet through the walls of the Pentagon then it shouldn’t be too difficult to create a fake Trump.On that note who has ever seen or spoken to Trump personally before or after the supposed big U turn,as opposed to relying on whatever the TV media shows and says he is and says.As it stands I’m even less able to believe it’s the real Trump than they were really aircraft and not missiles maybe also controlled demolisions.Or maybe just the outside chance that it is the real Trump trying to provide a cryptic clue in his speech that he’s been got at and is being controlled by the Globalist/Deep state interests.

Which leaves the question of the contradiction between the alliance of anti Globalist anti radical Islam Putin,Assad and Islamic revolutionary Iran and China.In addition to the Globalists obvious selective anti Russia,pro China,pro Wahhabist,anti Assad agenda while supposedly waging war against radical Islam.It’s all an unbelievable Machiavellian cluster zb.

Really! I thought I was big on conspiracy theories, but that takes the biscuit!

9/11 was a “overlooked” ■■■■-up fail of “Intelligence”. Too may live people saw it happen, especially the second aircraft strike - for it to have been faked.
The 1969 moon landing happened, because there are radar & even optical telescopes that can pick out items left on the lunar surface. It wasn’t faked.
Capricorn 5 - is a work of fiction, based on faking such a thing.

The WTC fell down like it did, because it was built to a previously unaware of inferior standard. If anyone knew about the liability the lack of H&S features presented - then it was covered up, and there is the conspiracy, that and the whole underestimation of Militant Islamic abilities on the engineering front.

FFS this country had a hard enough time defeating Germany in two world wars, so convinced we were that the British Empire was top dog on the planet, and all. :unamused:

When people lie, even unto themselves - one eventually reaches the point of believing one’s own fables, and perhaps being the only one that still does…

Still, you did manage to get the gist of what I’m getting at, regarding my estimation of “Trump’s struggle with the Deep State”.
… Or is he just a thicko after all, who’s fallen for the first big bluff put out by that same deep state, or rather his daughter?

No one has even convinced me yet that Assad has even used Chemical Weapons on his own people the FIRST time of asking!
…And there’s more chance that some surplus from Porton Down was used to “attack” the Skripols, which would put some black op part of the British Government likely behind it.

Are they even still alive now?

Let’s see them both together at a press conference - 'cos I’m not convinced they ARE still alive, or under extreme duress right now otherwise. :angry:

Really! I thought I was big on conspiracy theories, but that takes the biscuit!

9/11 was a “overlooked” ■■■■-up fail of “Intelligence”. Too may live people saw it happen, especially the second aircraft strike - for it to have been faked.

The WTC fell down like it did, because it was built to a previously unaware of inferior standard. If anyone knew about the liability the lack of H&S features presented - then it was covered up, and there is the conspiracy, that and the whole underestimation of Militant Islamic abilities on the engineering front.

If you’re going for deep state conspiracy then 9/11 is there with the best of them.IE aircraft fueselage and wings and tail sections of an airliner just ain’t strong enough to chop through the structural steel,let alone under the massive compressive load holding up the WTC buildings,like a knife through butter.Nor can possibly be flown at zero feet through the walls of the Pentagon.There are also numerous examples of witnesses saying they saw no planes including conveniently changed news reports in that regard.Or for that matter the small issue of the Pentagon video which clearly shows anything but a Boeing airliner flying along at ground level at equally silly impossible speeds and then doing a perfect impression of a bunker buster not a plane when it hit.

As for no demolition involvement then how do you explain what happened to Building 7.As I said the difference in my case is the more credible theory that the US didn’t attack itself.

As for Trump if his blatant U turn from anti globalist establishment to full on globalist establishment agenda looks and sounds too impossible to believe then it probably is.

Trump isn’t going to win re-election - by following the Deep State’s orders rather than getting any of his “harsher” policies enacted…

Come 2020 - people are going to judge Trump by what he’s NOT done by then, rather than what rubbish he might have done or pretended to do along the way.

There will need to be the Muslim ban, IF the wall doesn’t get built.
There will need to be staying outside the TTP and Paris accords.
There will NOT be any drop in gun crime though. In the US - any old nutcase can get a gun. The Left try to put “Thought Crime” on the agenda, when they think of the Right. Truth is though, we shouldn’t be letting ANY nutters out of the funny farm in the first place. Diagnosis of insanity - needs to be a bit more liberal, I reckon.

Mind you, if you ask me - a nation that hasn’t already repealed that 2nd ammendment, that should have been stood down once WWII was over - could be argued to be ALL nutcases!

Trump isn’t going to win re-election - by following the Deep State’s orders rather than getting any of his “harsher” policies enacted…

Come 2020 - people are going to judge Trump by what he’s NOT done by then, rather than what rubbish he might have done or pretended to do along the way.

There will need to be the Muslim ban, IF the wall doesn’t get built.
There will need to be staying outside the TTP and Paris accords.
There will NOT be any drop in gun crime though. In the US - any old nutcase can get a gun. The Left try to put “Thought Crime” on the agenda, when they think of the Right. Truth is though, we shouldn’t be letting ANY nutters out of the funny farm in the first place. Diagnosis of insanity - needs to be a bit more liberal, I reckon.

Mind you, if you ask me - a nation that hasn’t already repealed that 2nd ammendment, that should have been stood down once WWII was over - could be argued to be ALL nutcases!

The fact that Trump will probably lose a large amount of his core vote actually adds weight to the idea that it’s a double and the real Trump has either been told to give up and go home ‘to spend more time with his family’ or else.Or he was a deep state plant with the aim of taking the heat out of the growing anti deep state feeling by promising it everything and then letting it down slowly in the form of business as usual and vote Trump get Hilary anyway and opposition is not an option.

As for repeal of the 2nd amendment isn’t that just a deep state agenda to remove the ultimate control of the people over the government if ever push comes to shove in that regard.While although guns do scare me I never once felt uncomfortable within that type of environment during numerous long trips around the States and I’m a firm believer in the idea that the only way to stop a bad person with a gun ( or a knife or any other type of weapon ) is a good person armed with a better gun and the freedom to use deadly force in self defence.While gun laws just mean that the only armed people are the criminals as we’re seeing here with all of our hypocritical PC bs in that regard.

Although having said that it’s obvious that in any real move by the deep state to impose its ultimate agenda that small arms won’t be much use against Federal troops using the full military arsenal of armoured forces and air power also bearing in mind that the government will control ammunition stocks anyway.On that note I’d guess that repeal of the 2nd might just be the final straw which brings about the real opposition to the deep state there in the form of proper organised secession in states like Texas and the Carolinas in which as usual the choice will be loyalty to State or to the Federation and my choice would always be State whether 1861 or 2020 to the point of volunteering to join them if I was young enough and it came to it.I’d guess that Macron having been given a stage by ‘Trump’ to spout his raving deep state NWO agenda to Americans in their own back yard as though he runs the bleedin show will have done wonders in that regard.In reopening old Secessionist wounds in which the anti Nation State Federal government system is rightly considered as being the deep state.Also bearing in mind that many there believe that the ‘mass shootings’ are possibly a deep state false flag conspiracy to provide the excuse to disarm the US population to make the NWO takeover of the country easier.Which seems credible to me with the 2nd having worked there for centuries without too much of a problem. :bulb: … -solution/

The American deep state NEED their guns though.

Look how American Agents, even low-level diplamtic staff - get to walk around with guns in this country, for which even regular Gun Ownership is heavily restricted, let along permitted to be packing in public.

The US set up certain checks and balances during the early days of Nationhood.

Now it’s time to have a good look at all those amendments, and see which ones are appropriate, and which ones not.
An economy based on Guns being freely brought and sold - can only thrive on manufactured warfare otherwise, which would doom America ultimately to the same political fate as Rome, (Military Dictatorship, eventually brought down by corruption from within) the UK to the same political fate as Greece (absorbed into America/Rome), and the EU to the same political fate as Byzantium… It was worst of all for the Byzantines in history, because their empire got crushed by the (Turkish) forces of Islam, not being able to change, and totally disregarding the danger on their own doorstep… The parallels are there to see.

Oh how are the mighty fallen!

“History taught us - that we learned nothing from History”.

The American deep state NEED their guns though.

Look how American Agents, even low-level diplamtic staff - get to walk around with guns in this country, for which even regular Gun Ownership is heavily restricted, let along permitted to be packing in public.

The US set up certain checks and balances during the early days of Nationhood.

Now it’s time to have a good look at all those amendments, and see which ones are appropriate, and which ones not.
An economy based on Guns being freely brought and sold - can only thrive on manufactured warfare otherwise, which would doom America ultimately to the same political fate as Rome, (Military Dictatorship, eventually brought down by corruption from within) the UK to the same political fate as Greece (absorbed into America/Rome), and the EU to the same political fate as Byzantium… It was worst of all for the Byzantines in history, because their empire got crushed by the (Turkish) forces of Islam, not being able to change, and totally disregarding the danger on their own doorstep… The parallels are there to see.

Oh how are the mighty fallen!

“History taught us - that we learned nothing from History”.

I don’t get your connections.The 2nd amendment is all about the knowledge that the deep state are armed requiring the balance of an equally armed population to counter it. :bulb: … d-tyrants/

The only connection between the US and Rome is the contradictory idea of following the locally unaccountable and therefore ultimately corrupt Federal government system rather than the Confederation of Sovereign States which the founders envisaged.Which ironically is what creates the deep state monster and then either moaning about it when they’ve got what they wished for and/or having to try to liberate themselves from it after.On that note no this is a Federalist ( deep state ) v Secessionist ( Nationalist ) issue in which the Secessionist side probably ironically has more allies in America than here at home. :confused:

But absolutely agree with the analogy of Byzantium’s and the EU’s naivety regarding Islamic expansion.The difference being that the EU example is more like a deliberate invitation to Islam to infiltrate European society for whatever agenda.

The true disaster of Byzantium cannot be overstated.

This really was the “Empire that lasts a thousand years” - and to see it brought down by some young Islamic Upstart who had the cunning, daring, and warmongering hospitality to sweep away an entire Orthodox Christian world - needs to be put into perspective.

The Balkan Mainland of Turkey, where “Constantinople” still lies - harbours a Orthodox Christian faction, whom, of course - never get asked what they want from the ruling Turkish government.
Partitioning Turkey - just kicked the problem of encroaching Islamism down the road. Perhaps the border between MIddle East and West should have been roughly where the Syrian front line is now… BUT of course, the West have decided to make issue of what amounts to more “Minor” things.

As I said in a previous post - “You’d have to be brave to be stationed at Akratiri right now”.

I stand by that comment. There are a lot of Turkish Cypriots who’d love nothing better than to start letting off a few bombs, and having a few “Drive-by-shootings” at the drop of a hat.

WHY the West is ignoring Turkmen actions in the north of the levantine - is anyone’s guess.
You don’t put the fox in charge of the henhouse - ever.

Deep state - be damned. They should be looking after their own people’s welfare, and get that to perfection - before “letting in” those incompatible with Western Culture.

It’s not “Islam” itself that’s the problem, just as it’s not “Eastern European” Immigrants that are the problem. It’s the Militant, Military-Aged Males-only Non-EU born, Un EU integrated hoards - that are the problem.


Entitlement to beat us using our own political systems, and once in the majority - totally oppress us with “fair and square” Sharia law.

Pick a side folks. Being an “Atheist” does NOT protect you from the collapse of Seculurism evident in Turkey, France, and other places today.
We should be teaming up with Putin, a latter-day “Defender of the (Orthodox) Faith” - rather than ostracizing those that would stand by any faith, except Islam, that seems to have got in bed with the Atheist Liberal Left at very least.

Even if you can’t stand the idea of “having a faith at all” - consider how much it would hurt to have your front inch lopped off at your age. :neutral_face:
There’s more to being forced to convert to Islam than just learning some Koran passages, maybe a little Arabic, and of course - total opposition to all other faiths, including denominations of the same one. Macron, and others like him think they can control the relationship the spiritually unwashed seem to desire with Islam as a militant and political entity right now.
…But in the end, once the job is done of total infiltration into the Western way of life - there will be no need for the “Trojan” partners to be kept on as allies any more.

Who is refusing planning permission for the next Mosque to be built? “They are paying for it themselves” we hear. That doesn’t seem to get Joe Bloggs Builders & Sons getting any planning permission they might want to get to help out their long-established family business… Too bad huh?

Switzerland is resisting - and they are struggling to, despite not even being in the EU.
Why they are taking on ANY EU rules - is more about them being a landlocked country, and therefore hostage to EU “Single Market” access though, of course.

The forces that protected Switzerland from Hitler - are not there to protect Switzerland from the Ire of both the EU and further encroachments from the middle east, of course.
Any future “Protection” for Switzerland - would seem to require looking East towards Hungary and Austria - unless Italy can get their acts together in the meantime.
The Balkans though - are already lost. That we have the old warlords of former Yugoslavia being tried in the Hague, whilst not even talking about doing the same to others like Recip Erdogan - tells you all you need to know about the Globalists Double Standards that have let the Tiger in the back, just as you gently patted the Wolf you’ve let in the front. :frowning: