syria [Merged]

So the war on terror started after 9/11, a Saudi national, OBL was ‘responsible’ and America went on the warpath, but chose to take on the Taliban in Afghanistan, not the extremist Wahhabi movement in Saudi Arabia that were behind the attacks. The Taliban, a another extremist Islamic group had clamped down on the natives and their Opium Poppy business. The yanks went over and gave them some “freedom” from their oppressors, the Poppy fields bloomed and Opium related deaths in America increased significantly, coincidence?

But that’s only the icing on the cake, Afghanistan is sitting on USD 3 trillion of untapped mineral deposits, lithium being one particularly useful substance in abundance there, plus the oil and gas reserves and the enviable location of being in the way of an oil and gas pipeline between Central Asia and the sea ports of the Gulf, prevent that and oil prices can be manipulated at whim.

Iraq, Libya, pretty much the same, under Saddam and Gaddafi they wouldn’t bow down to the mighty USA and its behind the scenes financiers, so they had to go, it was all in the name of “freedom” but in reality it was all about the USD. Other countries with oppressive Islamic regimes but lacking in resources carry on as normal, their poor subjects getting no offer of “freedom”

ISIS, an islamic terror organization are now the current enemy, extremist muslims whose biggest enemies are the great satan (the USA) and the little satan (Israel) although I believe that to be the other way around, but I digress, so obviously ISIS is targeting its two biggest enemies right? Err… No they’re not, they’re rampaging through the middle east trying to establish a Caliphate apparently, yet they don’t want the caliphate to extend to the land that contains the two great mosques, nor do they want to reclaim Palestine from the crusaders, something not quite right about that me thinks.

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If ISIS are supposed to be our current enemy, we seemed to have suffered a bit of “Mission Creep” in aiding and abetting those fighting alongside ISIS (Syrian Rebels, Turkish Troops) who are attacking Sovereign Leader Assad and victims-of-genocide-already The Kurds respectively.

I thought we were supposed to be bombing Raqqa, as an ISIS stronghold - rather than making up attacks that didn’t happen, making attacks on places held by sovereign forces in their own country, and of course - not lifting a finger to help the Kurds, being butchered in the North East of Syria as we speak. :frowning:

The “War on Terror” could have been ended practically overnight - if we’d have an inquisition against that thousand-year-out-of-date “Religion” known as Islam, instead of inviting die-hardliners over to the west to push this oh-so-political “Faith” upon the rest of us, like some kind of brainwashing communist extremism with knobs on. :angry:

Instead, we’re now told to look to Russia for “our new enemy”. Russia have got some catching up to do. They’ve “allegedly” failed to kill three people with an alleged nerve agent that’s supposed to be deadlier than British-devloped VX (fatal from a smear on the skin) and despite being discharged from hospital, no one has seen them in public since…

Compare that to the hundreds of actual UK men, women and children killed by just ISIS terrorists in the past decade alone - and that’s leaving out 7/7 of course!
If ISIS were not representative of “Political Islam” - then doesn’t anyone think that Saudi Arabia with all it’s Right Wingness - would have stamped it flat in the most brutal manner by now■■?
No. They’re bloody running it as a paramilitary arm, most likely. Meanwhile, that so-called religion brings in a lot of revenue for that same Saudi Arabia, complete with the attrition that “making the Hajj Pilgrimage” cuts out of those attempting to attend, as today’s news gives a good example of… Britons killed in Saudi Arabia coach crash - BBC News I guess pilgrims don’t get a “warning” that “attempting to attend the Hajj could seriously endanger your continued existance on this Earth”…

If we can ban Nazism from the Earth, and leave it well behind in the 20th century - then why can’t we do the same to “Political Islam” which is what ISIS are all about… Along with those that fund it from afar, protect it from superpower retatlation, plus provide everything from supply lines and banking facilities for their forthcoming “Caliphate” to boot. :imp: