ADR and biochem warfare materials

Still got my noddy suit and respitartor in the loft lol…What I don’t understand is ,Nerve agent kills pretty quickly and it doesn’t take mush of the agent to kill someone …The cure is antophine ,we where told 1 autojet of antrophine every 15 mins and a max of 3 anymore and you get antrophine poisioning …systems are the reverse of the nerve agent…

Now this Russian nerve agent was meant to be strongest version made ,yet they all seemed to survive without receiving the correct medical attention for quiet a while

If administered as a spray more people would have suffered symptoms and been seriously ill if not dead ,so was if done the same way that kim the Korean did to his brother ■■? and he died quickly …It s all very suspicious .Did his daughter do it ■■?

Interesting what you say about nerve agents effectiveness, I could throw a bit more fuel on any conspiracy theories. Apparently while the media have been wall to wall about nasty Russia, the Tories have voted to reduce the how many children can get a free school meal. :open_mouth: Fortunate timing or something more sinister? :confused: