Has Brexit started the ball rolling?



Did you actually read the post.I said the Tories,like Socialists,are ideologically Federalist not Nationalists that’s why Heath took us in and it’s also why Powell was chucked out/walked away from the treacherous rabble.In which case it isn’t surprising that they won’t deliver Brexit because Brexit is an ideologically Nationalist agenda and therefore an abhorrent anathema to them.

But the Heathite faction of the Tories are the Remainers, not the Brexiteers!

Even Farage has been supporting seeking a deal with the EU (albeit entirely on our terms, and leaving if we don’t get it). If he had his ducks in a row as a “nationalist” of your kind, he would object to such a deal on principle, because it would mean two nations mingling their economies and binding themselves into a trade deal in a way incompatible with your self-contained nationalism.

The reality is that demanding a one-sided deal from the EU is not evidence of your kind of nationalism, it’s evidence of the bellicose nationalism and jingoism that I’ve refered to.

As for Corbyn read Conservative.IE ideologically opposed to the Nationalist idea of secession and National self determination.So another liar assuming that he’s saying that he’s for Brexit.

He isn’t against Brexit though, is he?

The fact that he doesn’t share your muddled views is immaterial - no sensible person does, or ought to.