Maradona and girlfriend

Still haven’t forgiven the prick for cheating us in the World Cup 86. :smiling_imp:

more shameless than a streetwalker

"What attracted you first to the multimillionaire Maradona? "

at least the streetwalkers dont need to go through a pantomime of liking you…

I haven’t forgiven either and I never will. Cheating little prick. If he’d admitted it at the time like Thierry Henry did against Ireland it’d be done and dusted and in the papers.

sent using smoke signals

looks like shes up the duff making sure she gets a double helping from the cash cow once he pops his clogs .
somewhat similar to peg leg and macca.

Bit of an ugly thing now, wonder what she see’s in his wallet …

probably a mental image of maradona in a coffin,followed by the rosy life of a pampered ■■■■■ somewhat springs to mind.