NOTHING to do with trucks x 2

But I thought it was funny.
Charles, Paul, Jose and Boris went to golf together on sunday; three guys headed to the first tee and Boris went into the club house to take care of the bill.The three men started talking, about their sons.

Charles told the others, “My son is a building contractor and he is so successful that he gave a new flat to a friend, for free.”

Paul said, “My son is a car salesman and now he owns a big salesmanship. He is so successful that he gave an expensive Audi to his friend.”

Jose,don’t want to be out bragged, “My son is a broker and he is doing so well that he gave an entire stock portfolio to his friend.”

Boris joined to his friends on the tee after a few minutes of taking care of business.

Charles mentioned, “We were just talking about our sons. How is yours doing?”

Boris replied, “Well, my son is gay. I”m not totally thrilled about it, but he must be good. His last three boyfriends gave him a house,a brand new car, and a stock portfolio.”

:laughing: :laughing:

Love it :smiley:

And another one.

On a abroad flight, the pilot comes over the public microphone system as usual and to greet the passengers.

He tells to passengers at what altitude they will be flying, the expected arrival time, and a bit about the weather, and advises them to relax and have a good flight.

Then,he forgets to turn off the microphone,the pilot says to his co-pilot, ‘What would relax me right now is a cup of coffee and a ■■■■■■■.’

All the passengers hear it.A hostess immediately begins to run toward the cockpit to tell the pilot of his blunder, one of the passengers stops her and says ‘Don’t forget the coffee!’

Just read the request about jokes and links. Sorry. If required, then please delete. thanks

Please don’t delete, just keep em coming :laughing: :smiley: :smiley:

Just read the request about jokes and links. Sorry. If required, then please delete. thanks

Sorry but I don’t know what you mean, as long as it stays clean and within the rules there’s no reason that I know of why this thread should be deleted :wink:

As said, “keep em coming” :smiley:

A (insert ethnic diverse of your choice) goes for a labouring job on a building site. The foreman starts of by asking “can you make the tea?”
Yes, replies our hopeful candidate.
“Can you drive the forklift?” Asks the foreman.

“Exactly how big is this teapot” came the puzzled reply.

A young man, who was not local, goes for a job as a forestry worker.
The foreman said he would give the lad a start on the condition that he would have to cut down 10 trees a day in order to keep his employment.
The first day, the eager hopeful was handed a chainsaw and pointed at the forest.
8 hours later and the fella emerged, appologising that he had only managed 4.
The foreman sighed and said he would give him another try tomorrow but must try harder or else be let go.
The lad turned up the next day extra early and ran into the woods, chainsaw in hand, desparate to keep his job.
He returned 12 hours later, covered in sweat from a massive effort with the unfortunate news that he had only cut down 6 trees.

Puzzled and about to sack him, the foreman said " let me have a look at that chainsaw" and with a swift pull of the cord, the machine roared into life, making our plucky visitor leap back in amazement shouting “WHAT THE #### IS THAT NOISE??”

The complete site