Yet another head scratcher!

Try this( I bet Coffeholic gets this in record time!) :laughing: :open_mouth: :unamused:

What country was formerley known as Sian?

What country was formerley known as Rhodesia?

And finally, what was Iceland formerley known as?

Good luck! :smiley:


1 im wondering if you mean Siam then it would be thailand
2 zimbabwe = rhodesia

iceland is still laying dormant in memory banks lol

1 im wondering if you mean Siam then it would be thailand
2 zimbabwe = rhodesia

iceland is still laying dormant in memory banks lol

1 and 2 correct (sorry my finger slipped on k/board I meant Siam :blush: )

Any takers on Q3?


Dan a.k.a Boo:

1 im wondering if you mean Siam then it would be thailand
2 zimbabwe = rhodesia

iceland is still laying dormant in memory banks lol

1 and 2 correct (sorry my finger slipped on k/board I meant Siam :blush: )

Any takers on Q3?


no worries lol :wink: its l8 so u r forgiven :stuck_out_tongue:

Dan a.k.a Boo:
Try this( I bet Coffeholic gets this in record time!) :laughing: :open_mouth: :unamused:

What country was formerley known as Sian?

What country was formerley known as Rhodesia?

And finally, what was Iceland formerley known as?

Good luck! :smiley:


thailand, Zimbabwe, new holland

New Holland is incorrect. See me after class,please. :smiley:


Would a quick google search win this one for me (not that im going to bother, had a crazy week, not busy but just crazy)â– â– 


scania king kev:
Would a quick google search win this one for me (not that im going to bother, had a crazy week, not busy but just crazy)â– â– 


Probably not,Kev,but try anyway. And don’t think too literally,either.


i know that iceland is now called the big food group thanks to google lol

i know that iceland is now called the big food group thanks to google lol

Yes but what was it called before that?(I knew this would get you lot thinking! :smiley: )


ok i googled and came up with ‘Gardarsholmi’ (Gardar’s Island).The Discovery of Iceland

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Iceland was formerly known as Bejam (but only in Southern England )

Nice one Dan :wink:

:lol: :laughing: :laughing:
Iceland was formerly known as Bejam (but only in Southern England )

Nice one Dan :wink:

Deesider,go to the top of the class!! :smiley:

But then you should have known that where you come from!

Well done mate. :smiley:


Useless fact 456745 I’ve still got a Bejam branded microwave in my kitchen. Mind you it was made by Brother. Must be nearly 20 years old :slight_smile:


new holland was that not fomally new york?

Thought New York used to be New Amsterdam?

I thought New Holland was a make of farm tractor. :smiley:


new amsterdam it is,new holland just me been as thick as a scania wheel nut.

:lol: :laughing: :laughing:
Iceland was formerly known as Bejam (but only in Southern England )

Nice one Dan :wink:

Someone pick me up off the floor i was urinating myself with laughter with this one, V funny.

Just hope it doesn,t get removed as it may be seen as advertising by SOME admins and other thingies…