Fings Ain`t What They Used To Be


It all went wrong when Maggie Thatcher came in and bribed council house dwellers to get their votes,reason now no council houses for the kids of the same people who were bribed,do not RIP Maggie Thatcher.

Exactly. Thatchers mob started the rot, and the present maladministration seem determined to beggar us all.
I was born in 1953, and I certainly wouldnt want to be trying to find some bright spots ahead of me as a twenty something, just starting out.

Oh wait a Conservative takes advantage of the something for nothing dependency culture of those within the social housing system.Who then predictably rushed to jump on the bandwagon of the get rich quick state subsidised house sell off scam.While calling their fellow workers,who were fighting for the wages and jobs to pay their own way in life, ‘militants’.Who would have believed it.

While it’s clear that nothing’s changed.With the following generations,of that self entitled dependency culture,now throwing their toys out of their pram because they also want a similar state funded cut price house provided at below market values,built at the expense of both the taxes and quality of life others,with a built in profit margin in it for the taking.

As for those lucky enough to have been born in the early 1950’s as opposed to late 50’s they obviously left school into a relatively much better economic climate than those of us who were born in the late 50’s and 60’s did.In which case I ‘could’ also go whining and whingeing about how good your lot had it at our expense in which I don’t remember anyone then giving a zb about youth unemployment and how tough it was to be a school leaver in the mid/late 70’s and in your early 20’s in the early 1980’s. But notice I won’t. :unamused: