The Nodding Donkey

Hang on a cotton picking second here! With all this talk of putting Sir Robroy of up’t north in the hell known as pre-mod for violating the sacred unwritten rules about posting humour during a weekend when the kittens may be reading these pages…{takes breath}…can I just point out that a more serious violation has taken place by the one known simply as “The Snowman”.

I believe the TNUK CSI should investigate with urgency that Mr Snowman did upon this day post the following statement which is indeed in violation of the sacred charter bestowed upon us by Lord R. which states “The place to unwind, tell a few tall tales, talk football, discuss news, even chat about the weather … anything BUT TRUCKING !!!”.

The henus crime for which Mr Snowman needs to be fawned is below:

1 - Which truck sat nav should I buy?

Of course if this was Mrs Snowman hacking hubbies account then all is forgiven…

PS: If you actually read all that, you really need to go down the pub…! :smiley: