Tommy Robinson, saint or sinner?

That means, someone can break in, kill all but you - and if you chase them out into the street, and so much as bang his head on the ground rugby-tackling them as the police arrive…

YOU end up in court.

Sorry bud, our laws are full of holes.
Until and unless the police and law authorities directly authorize the use of deadly force by residents in their own properties against ANY assailant, “no questions asked” - then occasions where the police take “no action” are woefully going to be few and far between.

In any case, “No action” means that when the overcome assailant’s family come after you - where are the police going to be then?

Not protecting you either. Their role is what? these days.

Even speed cameras don’t flash at anywhere near “every vehicle speeding”, nor traffic wardens zealously ticket every vehicle in the street…

The Police, I fear have become the same as our Westminster shower, and back rooms of unelected civil servants too…

They all commit fraud by turning up to work, getting nothing meaningful done unless a rare “high profile event” happens at their local level, - but drawing full salary for it, when they ain’t going sick on full pay of course.