Salisbury alleged Russian connection [Merged]


If we cease paying £18bn per year to Brussels, and cease paying £12bn per year to our “Foreign Aid Budget” - then we’re better off cash in our pocket by £30bn per year. No need to flog-off anything else, including bonds just to meet the senior civil service’s austerity-free pay rounds. :angry:

But then you lose all the benefits that came from membership, and lose the strings and influence that your £12bn foreign aid budget purchased. And Brexiteers attack Germany and France, when in fact they make even bigger contributions!

That was the crazy thing about the farmers. They voted leave, and then seriously thought the Tory government was going to use the money saved to create a British version of the Common Agrigultural Policy (which subsidises British farmers to the tune of billions a year)!

And repetition of the £18bn a year figure will not make the figure honest. It’s as dishonest as promising people that they can pull out of their mortgage and pay nothing for housing - without making it clear that it will involve them losing the roof over their head. The fact that people are still parroting such figures shows either how bankrupt of honesty the right-wing are, or how gravely ordinary people have fallen for their lies.

Indeed, the main “benefit” that comes from membership is that Liberal Elitist and Leftie lost causes - get kickbacks from the money that we pay.
Yes, I would agree with you that a “Tory” government won’t probably choose to fund such moneypits from what is no longer paid over. I wouldn’t expect a Labour government to, either though. They’ll find “Sorry there’s no money” once they assume office rather than be the authors of that same letter - a rather large incentive to say “Oh well, we’ve got this money - but no other now. So. a token amount for the NHS to keep our supporters happy, and the rest? - Let’s use the former Bssels money to top up the coffers, increase benefits - but for the working class taxpayer - you know, the type we’ve only just won over to get into power - NOTHING.”

Let’s take another look at the £18bn which was always going to be “An estimate”. Let’s say the true figure is £1. The net payment we make to the EU is a quid. That would be telling the truth that we make a “net payment to Brussels” - Correct? - I’ll play your game for a moment here…

So that leaves the £12bn from scrapping the foreign aid budget… Are we now going to go down the road of “That is a lie, and our government only actually donates a net pound to overseas charities, because of the kickbacks we get from paedo charity workers that are also big doners to MPs re-election funds” (regardless of party, let’s be generous and not consider “overseas charity workers” to be do-gooder Lefties that are using the kiddyhookers for a moment, and give it “cross party” usage instead…)

Do we wisely spend our pound, or would you like to argue the toss about that £12bn being a lie like the “£350m a week on the side of the bus” - which was, as I say, - just an estimate.

No one knows the real answers of course.

THAT is “Post Truth Age Politics”.

“Everything said is a lie, but we’ll go with it, because we’ve got no truth to replace it with in the meantime.”

It’s an anarchist rallying cry, of course. :unamused: