Too fat to work


I do wonder how these grossly obese people wipe their arse, their arms can’t be long enough to reach around the back and the overhang will prevent access from the front.

If the bloke I know is anything to go by, they probably don’t. There is a real fat [zb] that works for us at another depot, I went to the side of his cab one day to ask if he had a spare ratchet, he opened his door to get out, and I turned around, when he was half way down the cab steps I unfortunately turned back round again, and had a great big fat bare arse in my face where his baggy jogger pants had slipped down :smiling_imp: , the stink just about put me on my back.
A traumatic experience which scarred me for life :laughing:

my mrs coodinates for a care company and she said one of the people who they do care calls for a couple of times aday is masssiiiveeee and the carers have to shower him and wipe his arse cause he cant!! dont know about anyone else but id be seriously embarressed if i had to get care for that, thats when id know id gone to far and needed to sort it out.

dosnt help his local takeaway is less the half a mile away