Child Sex Offenders - what would you do?

Child abuse is such an emotive subject that even normally decent people are likely to let their feeling and attitudes run wild when they believe that there’s a child abuser in their area.

I agree - it evokes anger in most of us if a child has been abused.
I for one belive that there should be NO child offenders walking about either out in the street or in the prisons. Shoot them and solve the problem permanently I say . But…
what about those who have been wrongly accused?? and it CAN happen.

I know of one caseit happened to someone I knew quite a few years ago - when a little girl accused her uncle of doing things and the case went quite a way before the girl admitted that it was a pck of lies as her uncle, who was rather wealthy, had refused to buy her something that she wanted so spite had got the better of her.
THAT is worrying.
Eventually this case was dropped but mud does stick and the talk stayed around for a long time. I knew the mother of this child who was horrified that her daughter could tell such lies but the child had no remorse and thought it amusing and lapped up the attention.
I have lost contact with this family but it would be interesting to know how this kid grew up.