
anyone want to adopt leary 19 year old daughter with attitude problems. argument over her learning to drive. reason for driving? wants to have a subaru as first car. what planet are they on? :unamused: :confused: :confused:

don’t suppose she means one of these :wink:

You have my full sympathy

Take it she’s paying the insurance■■?

Or is she relying on the bank of Mum and Dad, cos she won’t be able to afford the insurance otherwise.

anyone want to adopt leary 19 year old daughter with attitude problems. argument over her learning to drive. reason for driving? wants to have a subaru as first car. what planet are they on? :unamused: :confused: :confused:


I’m observing 2 young guys (17 + 18) who have just started their advanced driver training - they passed their L tests 6 & 10 months ago.
Their next meet with me is this Sat at 11am - they are training together but in their own cars.
Would your learner like to meet them for a chat and maybe sit in on their drives :question: :question:

For many years I have been involved with the NASC and as such we only have interest in Hot Rods, Custom cars and the like.
When my kids where in their teens and starting out on the road I was lucky as they too where keen on the custom scene as they had been dragged into it by me.
My son baught a clapped out Mk3 Cortina and ‘blinged’ it and my daughter started off with a Mk 2 ■■■■■■.
Both kids had great fun and it didnt cost a fortune.
What could have more street cred than an open topped Triumph Herald??
Pre 72 free road tax and classic insurance of aound £200 per annum.
Try to take her to a few events and see it it dont sway her.
Otherwise put her in suspended animation until the brain has caught up with reality - usually around the age of 35 I am afriad

thought about taking her to a vintage tractor rally but she told me not to be a grandadâ– â– ? :blush:

A young person will only listen to and take in what another young person is telling them - old gits like us are ‘just preaching’ :slight_smile:

re mothertrucker. i may have solved the problem. i have just suggested we start somewhere small, this has,however,caused some problems with the young lady. she did not appreciate my suggestion of a custom job on a shopping trolley :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :wink:

I am waiting for my 17 year olds license to come through and then the lessons will start. I am lucky though as she only wants to start off in something like a fiesta or ka. My sympathies are with you. A subaru, I couldn’t afford the insurance for my self let alone my kids

try getting here to look at all the factors

the cost of the car she wants
get an insurance quote
cost of a new set of tyres every year
road tax
an idea of fuel

then add an extra 15 or 20 % to it for inflation to all the above, i’m sure that slowly she will turn to a fiesta - i went from wanting a focus to a little old punto.

but also try to be slightly supportive but realistic, it is nice to have a dream but only if its realistic.

Simple, buy her a 1600cc scooby with all the turbo kit and interior in.

Rog’s idea is a good one…but even better, try and arrange a day out with the local traffic cops or paramedics. Ask her if she still wants the Scooby once she’s been to a couple or three messy fatal RTA’s :wink: