
the guys have got 50 things women can’t do in bully’s bar so lets have things men can’t do here

1/ have a baby…could you imagine it :smiley:

2/ read instructions properly …they read the first line and go yeah yeah

3/ put the toilet seat down after use

there’s a few to start with now it’s over to you


  1. Set the cycle on the washing machine - it’s always up to us women to assist with setting the cycle.

  2. Like your parents

  3. Set the timer on the video without getting in a strop cause they can’t get it to work (An example phrase goes something like this: “This ■■■■ machine won’t set to what I want it to record”)


6. Set the timer on the video without getting in a strop cause they can’t get it to work (An example phrase goes something like this: “This ■■■■ machine won’t set to what I want it to record”)


Sam, as if a man would say such a thing :laughing:

I am the first to admit I can’t operate the video, I always ask Pam and that fails the four year old will show me :confused:

Well at least that way they do it for me :wink: :wink:



I am the first to admit I can’t operate the video, I always ask Pam and that fails the four year old will show me :confused:

Well at least that way they do it for me :wink: :wink:


and he forgot to mention that the four year old is female :laughing: :wink:


Mrs Mix wrote 3/ put the toilet seat down after use

Why do we need to put it down afterwards?
Can’t you do it yourselves? :unamused:

you love us really, :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

mrs mix wrote:

3/ put the toilet seat down after use

you use the seat there for it’s up to you to put it back up :wink:

2/ read instructions properly …they read the first line and go yeah yeah

guilty :laughing: :laughing:


Men don’t gossip half as much as women do! :laughing:

As my wife says,she can keep a secret,it’s the people she tells that let her down so badly!! :laughing: :laughing:


how many men does it take to screw in a light bulb?

only one he just stands there and waits for the world to revolve around him :laughing:


How many women does it take to change a light bulb?

Three. One to change the light bulb and two to talk about it! :smiley:


how does a man keep his youth?

by giving her money , fur’s, diamonds…


A whole man is only 60% woman.

Tin 'at on and running :open_mouth: