Cant blame couples for not getting married

went to my half brothers wedding in london on saturday ,george street, westminster, the cost of the wedding im told was 35,000 pounds :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: . i know he and his wife are in very good jobs and paid towards the wedding but if thats the kind of a money a wedding costs i can understand why so many dont bother. 35,000 , not so long ago you could buy a house in our area for that :exclamation: :exclamation:

First house we bought cost £3,100 in Staffodshire 1970,you get motorbikes cost more than that,Wages @£40 a week
regards derek

went to my half brothers wedding in london on saturday ,george street, westminster, the cost of the wedding im told was 35,000 pounds :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: . i know he and his wife are in very good jobs and paid towards the wedding but if thats the kind of a money a wedding costs i can understand why so many dont bother. 35,000 , not so long ago you could buy a house in our area for that :exclamation: :exclamation:

blimey we must be cheapskates :blush: our wedding five years ago cost us two grand. mind you we arn’t made of money and can’t even afford to buy a house so i guess we made the best of what we did have.

I’d say this…

The money cost of a wedding is a personal CHOICE, that every one makes. Getting married is also a choice. BUT even today, a kid should not have to make a decision, about what to get Mum and Dad, for their wedding present. ( grin) . How about getting married, THEN having a kid ?

Seriously, the number of un-married UK couples, with kids, that I meet here in Canada, while they are on holiday , amazes me.

Jim B. Toronto.

… I’d agree there, kids should come after marriage…but contraception isn’t exactly a perfect science is it?

Things go wrong, can’t be blamed on the couple sometimes.

I’ve had a couple of mates in such a situation and, to be honest, the girls who have had abortions are only a shadow of their former selves.

Should they get married and have had the kid?
Far too much of a deep question for me to answer… way beyond me at my age.

Exactly the reason I haven’t got married nor had a kid! (although mainly luck on the last one! )


Millions of people are having ■■■ and not getting knocked up. :unamused:

me and my oartner are not married and we have got twin boys…my mate had 2 girls before he got married, he and his partner were together for 8 yrs before they got married…now they married all they do is row…SEEMS TO ADD MORE PRESSURE…

a few years ago good friend of mine passed away suddenly , he had left his wife about 30 years previous when he met another girl, they had 2 kids (adult when he died) nice bungalow and a very good well paid Civil Service job.

when a Civil Servant dies his/her surviving spouse recieves 50% of his pay or pension if he is retired

Who got the pension

the wife he had no contact with for 30 years

I know of another case of an estranged wife who claimed the house after 25 years separation

recently a soldier was killed in Iraque leaving a Partner and 2 kids

No MOD pension

the cost of the wedding im told was 35,000

Could not justify this myself. We got married in '06 at Gretna Green and got change from a grand, including the clothes and the meal and travelling expenses.
But it is a personal choice - as is marrying at all. As for children, as long as they are wanted and loved it makes little difference if Mum and Dad have a piece of paper to make things official. It does not make the kids happier either way.

My friend saved for five years then spent £26,000 on her sons wedding - and they split up in less than 12 months. :open_mouth:
I would have demanded a refund in blood!!

We have no intention of spending a lot of money on the wedding, if we had £26 grand to spend it would go on the house. :open_mouth:

We have no intention of spending a lot of money on the wedding, if we had £26 grand to spend it would go on the house.

Girl after my own heart :smiley:


it makes little difference if Mum and Dad have a piece of paper to make things official. It does not make the kids happier either way.

You miss my point Mothertrucker

I agree it does not make the kids any happier

imagine this

If I had a partner of say 10 years and we had a child, we separate I then meet another girl and we get married

I die after say 2 years of been married

Who is my next of kin and who will inherit my estate

My wife will and the ex partner and child will have to go to Court to contest it

however if my partner and I had married she would have a better claim

and the winners will be the legal eagels

£35,000 is good value for money for a wedding.

Divorces cost far more :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: