Driving long distances and eye problems

I got 'em too :slight_smile: They can be distracting when you think about them then start looking at them :unamused: :unamused:

For headaches - dehydration is often the cause. Most of us don’t drink enough water. Often you’ll find that drinking a pint or so of water will make all the difference. Trouble is that you need to stop and cool the tyres down every 20mins :laughing:

I thought of dehydration later on Gardun.

Coffee (or Tea :open_mouth: ) is no good. Neither is coke or alcohol.
They all cause dehydration to some extent.
A pint of water a day, preferably more, could make all the difference.
You can mix fresh fruit juice with it it if you like. Drink enough and that’s some of your 5 a day too. :laughing: :blush: :blush: