A Sad sad day!

Today one of my friends was killed at work…I’m totally shocked!!!

Time’s Reporter wrote:

Industrial accident claims man
A Mineral City man died early Tuesday afternoon in an industrial accident at Kimble Clay & Limestone at 3596 Rt. 39 NW, west of Dover.

Lorin H. Beaber, 52, was working alone loading oxygen tanks onto a truck before the accident, which was reported at 12:21 p.m., said Detective Lt. Orvis Campbell of the Tuscarawas County Sheriff Department.

“It’s believed that the forklift drifted forward, and the tanks pinned him to the truck,” Campbell said.

Dover firefighters took Beaber to Union Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Beaber had been by himself for about 15 minutes when he was discovered pinned, said Wayne Fennimore, general manager at Kimble.

“Everybody’s trying to calm down, and we’re thinking about his family,” Fennimore said. “We’re sorry to lose Lorin; he was a good employee.”

Beaber had worked at Kimble for about a year and a half, he said.

New Philadelphia Fire Department also responded to the scene.

God Bless you Lorin…I’ll miss you mate.

Can I say to you all…PLEASE! be careful out there.

Shaun and Laura.

Sorry to hear of this Shaun
my thought’s are with you.

Read this on Loads forum, so sorry to hear about the loss of a friend. I will be thinking of you and my condolences go to his family, friends and work colleagues at this sad time.

Feeling for you Bully.
My Condolences to his family.


As above. my syphathy to all concerned