CSA topic split from myths thread in PDF

The CSA is a bad thing! total myth

So speaks a man who’s obviously never had the misfortune to deal with them… :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Well it’s basically a good thing, but poorly implemented.

No it’s not, the whole thing needs to go back to the old system where individual cases were assessed by the court. Give the courts proper enforcement powers and the job’s a good 'un.

The current formulaic system is a complete disaster for resident and non-resident parents alike - which is precisely why myself and my daughter’s father are jointly fighting our current assessment, one which leaves us both unable to pay our day-to-day bills, and which neither of asked for or wanted. Insane situation, but it’s legally binding so that’s that. :imp:

If you do a web search on the topic you’ll find a huge number of parents, family lawyers and judges who will tell you the same.

Apologies for the topic hijack, it’s one of my “soapbox” subjects. :blush:

dont forget the csa arnt worth your life

Driving is a Proffesion :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

If you are prepared to walk out on your family then dont expect me or any other taxpayer to pay, you have a DUTY to support your spawn and the CSA will make sure you.

Sometimes sticking in there doesnt smell of roses BUT its not like having a job, you DONT walk away you need to stick it out through the bad bits, but if you dont!!! i’m not ■■■■■■■ paying for your kids.

when you get deserted by your wife and kids it makes you bitter that she couldnt be arsed to say she was off

she should have left the kids behind if she couldnt afford to look after them

No-one’s expecting you to, Jammy, and I 100% agree that both parents should pay towards their kids…But at a rate which leaves them unable to support the rest of their family? Back pay that adds up to more than I actually earnt in the period covered? By putting those parents in a position where the RP loses twice as much in Tax Credits as he gains in payments? When the whole thing was only unwittingly triggered by a benefits application made due to ill health leaving me on sick pay with a family to support? With zero account taken of the fact that I am also supporting a dependant adult with long-term health issues who can’t claim zip despite working for 25 years? By putting me in a position where I am forced to work away and for long hours against the advice of my own specialist and make myself iller, quicker, as a result?

I so wish I lived in as perfect and cut and dried world as you do Alex…Unfortunately some of us are not lucky enough to have circumstances that simple. Even my daughter’s Dad thinks this is insane, which is why we are fighting it together. I love my daughter and am only too happy to support her, but there is only so much money to go around.

Never mind, eh… You’ll be paying for my disability benefits soon enough. :smiling_imp:

If you are prepared to walk out on your family then dont expect me or any other taxpayer to pay, you have a DUTY to support your spawn and the CSA will make sure you.

Sometimes sticking in there doesnt smell of roses BUT its not like having a job, you DONT walk away you need to stick it out through the bad bits, but if you dont!!! i’m not [zb] paying for your kids.

So you stick it out when your wife goes off and ■■■■■ another guy.
Then she gets your house your money your life.

Cause she got custody of your child you walk away saying yes she can keep the roof over head for the sake of your daughter.

Then when you finally get back on your feet you make another familly and everything in the garden is rosy along come the CSA and want 35% of your income because a judge said you didn’t have to pay maintenance because you gave up your home and savings.

GTF you moron the CSA are a faceless feelingless bunch of scum, who don’t give a ■■■■ about you, your circumstances and the circumstances of a messy painfull divorce.

Jack Straw is one of Tony B liar’s sycophants and has no grip on reality or the reality of normal peoples life.

I just hope for your sake you never go through a divorce or have to deal with the CSA, it is hell on earth.

If you are prepared to walk out on your family then dont expect me or any other taxpayer to pay, you have a DUTY to support your spawn and the CSA will make sure you.

Alex I would suggest you find out the facts before coming up with stupid comments like that.

I Split up with my first wife back in 1989 and fought tooth and nail for custody, I had a Social Worker, a Child physchiatrist and a Probation officer all give evidence in court that my 2 children would be better off with me and my current wife, even my son at the age of 6 was adamant he did not want to stay at home with his mother.

My (Current) wife had brought up her ex partners child from the age of 6 months after his wife committed suicide and despite her adopted son being 12 yrs old at the time she was given as the reason by the magistrates that my 2 children should remain with their natural mother. The actual reason being she had never given birth as a maternal mother, which was pretty impossible because her first husband had kicked the [zb] out of her when she was pregnant and as a result she lost the baby and had to have her womb removed.

The CSA then became involved in 1992 / 93 when they were formed TO MAKE THE ABSENT FATHERS WHO WERE NOT PAYING PAY FOR THEIR KIDS The CSA immediately jumped on the likes of myself who had court orders in place and were paying monthly as we were easy targets, my payments leapt from £40 per month to £95 per week from a take home wage of £160 and to this day my ex wife will still maintain that she only got £65 pw from the social security as she refused to work using the kids as an excuse.

My son is now 24 and my daughter 22 and I still have the CSA on my back for £407 that they said is owed, last Sept (2005) it was £595, they sought a county court judgement without my knowledge and the first I knew was when the judgement arrived in the post, I tried from Sept to January this year to pay but the CSA refused payment saying it had to be paid to a debt collection service in Darlington, they refused to accept payment until a Bailiff had been out to see me to arrange a payment scheme, the first time they called I was in bed after night shift, the second time I was in Hong Kong and they insisted I had to pay an extra £95 + Vat for each of the failed visits.

In June this year they (The CSA) tried to sieze my bank account which was closed in January due to my bankruptcy.

In August the CSA tried to obtain a securing order against the property to guarantee their £470 owed to them despite monthly payments being made by me. At the County Court I pointed out to the judge that for every £50 I was paying to Phillips debt collection agency, only £30 sometimes even less was going to the CSA and he immediately ordered that all payments have to be accepted directly by the CSA and phillips cut out of the chain, as for the order I pointed out that as I was bankrupt I had no share in the house as this now belongs to the trustee handling my bankruptcy despite the bankruptcy being lifted on August 18th.

Phillips are now threatening me with Bailiffs because they aint getting any money yet the CSA have had £100 since the County Court hearing, so I’m looking forward to Phillips turning up to an empty house :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The CSA have handled everything wrong and on both occassions paid for County Court action in which they have failed on both occassions, as for the collection agency they were told back in January that they had to apply to the trustee for their charges to be paid but according to them they are above the law and can obtain it direct from me (Yeah in their dreams maybe)

The CSA should of stuck to what they were originally introduced for, and that was to trace the parents who were NOT paying a penny for their kids, its no good a do gooder saying that a broken relationship should remain in place just for the kids, it does not work, and I for one can tell you that had I stayed much longer my second suicide attempt may have been more successful and the kids would of had no father.

I just hope for your sake you never go through a divorce or have to deal with the CSA, it is hell on earth.

Sorry mate but I hope he DOES have to go through it, maybe then he will realise just what ■■■■ you have to put up with when you have the CSA on your back :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Lucy, Davey, Hitch and Airhorn, you sound like bitter twisted people, just like me when it comes to the Completely Stupid A**eholes.
I am also a victim of them, as is my Ex, and more importantly, OUR KIDS.

We are fortunate in that we’ve jointly told the CSA to get the hel out of our lives and have come to a very amicable private arrangement. A lot of which is down to her new husband.

Anybody subject to CSA action, Mother, Father OR Children are subject to government approved ABUSE.
And don’t give me the bull dung about it’s all the Tories fault for inventing it, Liebour have had HOW MANY YEARS to put it right, and they’ve simply made it worse.
For those wanting EXPERT advice on dealing with the CSA, go to nacsa.co.uk, they know more about the CS Act that the CSA do.
They also offer psychological support by being there.
Through nacsa being there, I had the guts to take the CSA on, and WON.

Should this thread be split as the CSA thing is an important subject on it’s own and is mixed up among myths that suggest drivers may catch aids from a toilet seat and other crapola.

A good mate of ours was found in the local churchyard nursing a gun with the barrels in his mouth because of the CSA

Your right we should get back to the Irish use telly remote controls to overide their limiters

Topic split as requested - sorry if any non-CSA related posts have come with it, the software will only let me pick one point from which to split, and this seemed like the most appropriate one…:grimacing:

OK, so it wasn’t me but the story of this guy in the churchyard is a good story of why the CSA is bad

He had a couple of kids and probably got married too young but him and his wife split up and he paid for the kids direct to his ex wife. He also gave her extra money for clothes, holidays and treats, probably about £100 a week.

Eventually the CSA came looking and after a lot of agro he was put on an attachment of earnings order by the courts.

By this time he had met someone else who already had a young daughter. he had to support his new family and the 2 daughters he already had and just could not cope, having to work every day to pay the amount the CSA had shafted him with.

We know its not the answer but a loaded shotgun seemed an easy way out for him. luckily he was discovered by his sister in law

We are fortunate in that we’ve jointly told the CSA to get the hel out of our lives and have come to a very amicable private arrangement. A lot of which is down to her new husband.


Are they OK with that as long as you both agree? What do they do if there is an outstanding amount, will they write it off as long as both parties are happy about it?


We are fortunate in that we’ve jointly told the CSA to get the hel out of our lives and have come to a very amicable private arrangement. A lot of which is down to her new husband.


Are they OK with that as long as you both agree? What do they do if there is an outstanding amount, will they write it off as long as both parties are happy about it?

It all depends on whether the money is owed to the Ex or the CSA, but in the main the answer is YES, if need be the parent with care can tell them to ■■■■ out and certain arrears can be written off.
NACSA is the one to give you the definitive answer.