Truckers wives ( and husbands)

We only have one son and when he was born my wife made the decision that she wouldn’t work full time just to put him with a child minder so when he started school full time ,she got a job in a school kitchen.She has all the holidats off and there’s no worries about juggling days off.We do tend to pay a bit more for summer holidays but its a small price to pay when it means that shes not missing out on seeing him grow up.It works for us and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Wife finished work after copped for no1 daughter over 16 years ago, and never gone back! We have 3 kids now. :slight_smile:


i kno it says wives n that!but ma dad is a trucker!and i find he cant alaway make it to parents eves!he normally has to take the whole day off work!the same when he has to go to the dentist or doctors!he is away all week sumtimes 2 if he goes overseas. yea i miss him wen he goes!but am sure its harder for my mum! :laughing:

We were having a discussion the other day about how hard it is for the partner of truck drivers to try to fit their lives around the hours that truckers work.
How many other truckers have wives/husbands that work - full or part time?
How do you cope with school holidays / parents evening / doctors / dentists visits?

I find as the wife of a trucker that I am constantly having to change arrangements last minute depending on when he can/can’t get home. I don’t mind this but find that others find it hard to accept ( the dentist has now started charging for missed appointments!!!)


We’ve worked it out quite well. Wendy works 9-5, I work 6 to finish, and as long as I’m awake to get small child from school we only need one car and no childminder .

I’m the wife of a driver (Henrys cat a.k.a Steve) and he works full time as a driver.

Although we don’t have kids of our own, he has 2 children (boy and a girl) from a previous relationship. I think he finds it difficult especially when it’s parents evening and he can’t make it, he has to hear it from the kids mum and from reports as to how they’ve done at school.

Not quite sure what will happen when we have kids of our own, only time will tell.

My wife is a Nurse & we work it by my being the one who works around her shifts, the School & playgroup etc
I take work as & when for a variety of companys driving what ever fits in with the hours/days I have. My having both HGV & PSV gives me more flexability, but it can still be tougth for both of us.

Both Lucy and I drive but I only do it part-time and rarely go off the island,so can work appointments around it.
Plus the fact that Alice is only 15mths helps considerably.
