What if my blood pressure is too high at my DVLA medical?

If your blood pressure is always high at the Docs ect then ask to loan a monitor so you can take some readings at home and a chart to fill in to show them at the docs.
This will save you a lot of aggro with the DVLA if they are only seeing high blood pressure results.

I’ve had a 24hr bp monitor that averaged out to 141/87 bit high but not too bad. Been put on the pills as due to have an operation on my knee and if it’s to high at the hospital they’ll just send me home so hopefully these pills should sort me out I know its stupid but I just hate the dr’s/hospitals so probably be the same if I go for a medical. So best to go prepared with decent reading ( last reading at doctors was much better with the meds) than just get knocked back at the start. Like you say try not to get more aggro than you need.