Dreaded DVLA letter arrived today

Hi all.
Been reading and lurking around on this forum for a while now, and finally joined.

10 years ago (May 15th is the 10 yr anniversary!) I had a heart attack.
Long story short, had 2 stents fitted, and after around 6 months, got my licence back, and carried on working.
At the time I was tramping, and working away all week, so decided to stay at home, get a job which involved no loading/unloading etc, and work nights to cut down on the stress, as my doc had said I need to “take things easy”.
Anyway, got a job with a parcel company, permanent nights, no more than 12 hrs per shift, and carried on.
Every 3 years, had my medical, treadmill test, no problems, until now.
Since my last treadmill test, I have given up smoking (I know, I should have quit before, but there you go !), cycle, walk a lot more at weekends, and I’ve lost around 3 stone, so I know I am much fitter than the last treadmill tests I have done.
Did the 9 and a half minutes, with barely a sweat.
No problem.
Until today.
Got a letter from DVLA telling me that I have lost entitlement to drive HGV, but still have 7.5T entitlement.
Don’t know what I’m supposed to do.
I’ll let work know tonight, but I can’t drive, so I don’t even know if they’ll keep me on.

Pulling my hair out right now, and that’s something I can ill afford !!

Welcome to TNUK, can’t help you I’m afraid but seems a bit harsh if you passed everything ok maybe it’s a clerical error, on the job front if it’s a parcel company surely they’ll have a few 7.5 tonners knocking about if the werse comes to it.

Hi mate , I would get straight back to DVLA and ask them to specify exactly why the refused your licence.
Check every dot and comma on whatever form doc had to fill in and the best of luck to you , keep us informed , this sort of ■■■■ up is of interest to all us gentlemen of a certain age !
Good luck

I lost ALL my entitlements last May and the letter which arrived from the DVLA was at least 10 pages long detailing all the reasons why. Yours must be the same? I have just be told I can reapply for my car licence.