Vaping (e cigs)

Do any of you former smokers, or current smokers for that matter “vape”?

After a lot of research into vaping I finally bought a VapeHq IQ300 vapouriser and kiwi juice in an attempt to get me off the burners. I really dont want to be lectured about smoking. I took it up from being a social smoker after something quite horrific happened in my life years ago and it was a crutch at the time. One that has left its legacy I need to shake loose. Such is life, walk a mile in my shoes bla bla bla…

I took a serious look into vaping when out on track with my company ops, and a lot of aircrew have taken it up to get off the evil weed. I’m based out in the middle east, work world wide and the places we go to allow alsorts to be tried. For example a few lads use hookah in cafes when we’re all on standby/days off which is still pretty nasty from what I can read health wise. The Icelandic lads I work with tend to use tobacco pouches in the mouth, but I found these to be disgusting and they are still tobacco and carry risks of mouth cancers.

I don’t doubt vaping is far from being completely safe but it can’t be surely as bad as the burners? I’ve taken to it like a duck to water but I’m determined to winkle down my intake/nicotine levels until free of the need.

I hope this doesn’t get binned to Billy’s bar as so far there isn’t much of a trucking theme. Except I know smoking is an issue that affects many in the transport industry due boredom/stress/those that have to use cabs after inconsiderates have smoked cigs inside. What’s your thoughts on vaping? Did it help you cut down ■■■■/give them up? Did you ween off nicotine and give up vaping? Do you do it in the cab?

Cheers lads/lasses

I’m considering going on e cigs as a way to get off the real thing, so I’m interested to see where this goes…

I quit ciggys and started vaping in jan this year about june i stopped vapiing and went on nicotine gum a couple of months on them now just have normal chewing gum about 5 packs a week lol

good luck to you …

I gave up cold turkey 2 years this coming Feb . I was suffering with pneumonia and the taste of a smoke was horrid to say the least after 2 weeks that was it . I will say though I still get the urge but the smell when passing anyone that puffs turns my stomach.

had an heart attack in 2004 when you wake up in hospital after losing a day and piped up to wires it sort of kicks starts you into stopping smoking. would recommend everyone to try although as an ex-smoker I realise it is so very difficult. I often wonder what would have happened to me had I not had my heart attack a long while ago when I was younger as a warning and it had happened now. good luck to all trying to quit.

I started smoking when I was 14, about 28 year ago, I stopped smoking around 2 year ago but after 6 months the cravings were getting worse so I tried vaping and not had a craving for a real cigarette since.

I stopped cold Turkey now over 10 years ago, and it was bloody hard.
However my collegea is trying to stop, and started vaping, but because he can use it everywhere,he is more vaping than he ever smoked.
We told him now only to use it the same as a cigarette, and go out to smoke, the effort is than a little higher, and hopefully he stops at some point in life.

as we know, cold turkey hits people in different ways. I smoked for 20 years solid and giving up, well for me I thought of it as a challenge and it passed after a couple of weeks. However I still wanted one when I was out with mates for about a year :open_mouth: I didn’t give in though as I would have been back to square 1.

I now smoke 1 on an evening in summer sat in the garden, sat out with a beer, then I give up again for winter. However there is no cold turkey, I just stop. All in moderation

I started smoking at around 13yrs old, tried cold turkey a couple of times…failed… 2 sessions of hypnosis…failed…
so on my 49th birthday this year, bought an e-cig. great bit of kit, now, although i hav’nt made the switch completely i have however, cut my intake by 50% or more. so i say go for it, try it, working for me and my aim is to be off the real completly by my 5oth next year

After 32 years of smoking I cold turkey quit July last year and haven’t looked back (doesn’t say I don’t miss it every once in a while though)

The Wife however stopped smoking ciggies October last year and went Gum/lozenges to crappy e-cigs (the things that look like cigarettes) and eventually onto a vape tank machine (google “evod”) and though she still has nicotine (1.5g iirc) its still a heck of a lot better (health and smell) than the ■■■■.

I think if ever I succumbed to craving smoking again it would be to an Evod tank now not the ciggies though

I have been vaping 2-3 years now after smoking rollups for 30+ years!!

The way i see it is that like you said, vaping isnt good for you but it must be better than the ■■■■ and because i dont want to quit i use it as an alternative. Many of my friends have used it as a way of quitting tho very successfully :wink:

I have tried various ecigs and have settled with using an I-taste MVP with an evod atomiser and RY4 juice.
I do vape at work and in my cab, I also respect none smokers aswell so i am selective of where i vape etc…this just makes life easier all round.

There is loads of info on the web regarding vaping, this is a good site to get any info you may need…

Cold turkey 35 years ago after smoking 30 a day for 20 years. I must admit I did not find it a problem; I just decided to stop and did it.
What I would like to know, though, is where is the money I theoretically saved? :confused:
Somebody once told me that a boy starts to smoke to prove he’s a man. Thirty years he tries to stop for the same reason! :slight_smile:

As per my signature

Cheers for the responses. I can say so far I like it. I deliberately chose non tobacco flavoured juice and went for kiwi fruit?! Bizarre I know but touch wood, the 3 remaining Marlboro lights are still in their packet from the day I bought this thing. I like the idea about going onto gum then chewing gum. I’ll give that approach a go.

Hey trubster. How much do you find vaping costs you for coils/juice say over a month compared to smoking?

Freight Dog:
Hey trubster. How much do you find vaping costs you for coils/juice say over a month compared to smoking?

I’ve been vaping for over two years and it costs me about £1 a week after the initial outlay. I do build my own coils though.

I stopped smoking in April after 25 years of it. I used a vape for 5 months, but found that it was making me short of breath. So I just stopped using it, and refused to buy cigarettes again. That was in September. Not had a vape or cig since, and I don’t even think about it now.
Would I recommend a vape to give up?
No, that shortness of breath worried me.
I would recommend seeking doctors advice. But vaping helped me.

Eh up Contraflow - did you switch from tobacco straight away or did you do both for a while?

Freight Dog:
Eh up Contraflow - did you switch from tobacco straight away or did you do both for a while?

Just a straight swap.


Freight Dog:
Eh up Contraflow - did you switch from tobacco straight away or did you do both for a while?

Just a straight swap.

Same here.

I did a straight swap from cigs to vaping (Vapouriz tank) on 1st April 2012.