
Just how concerned should we be ?
We are told by the government they are ready for any outbreak but they cannot protect us from mass immigration our borders for an island ought to be high on impossible to penetrate with stringent Hecks but they are the easiest in the world.
All those waiting in France, who knows what diseases they’re harbouring just coming in unchecked.
Anyone concerned ?

Just how concerned should we be ?
We are told by the government they are ready for any outbreak but they cannot protect us from mass immigration our borders for an island ought to be high on impossible to penetrate with stringent Hecks but they are the easiest in the world.
All those waiting in France, who knows what diseases they’re harbouring just coming in unchecked.
Anyone concerned ?

I’d be more concered with someone just getting off a plane, as opposed to someone who’s been hanging around Calais for a few weeks if thats your angle?

It may already be here somewhere… :open_mouth:

If not, it won’t be long in arriving. The gov. have no idea who’s getting into the country. Thousands of immigrants a year they know nothing about I shouldn’t wonder.

The government will do what they always do. Blame someone else and be the epitome of inefficiency.

Just got off a plane from North Africa today. I don’t think it’s too much to be concerned about at the moment with the exception of those arriving where there has been outbreaks.

The government’s policy goes along the lines of if the Taliban or IS decide to bring it in using whatever means that would be a terrorist bio weapon attack and we can do whatever it takes to stop them.But if anyone else feels like entering the country from a known major infection disaster zone,who’s potentially,or even known to be,infected with it,in the form of ‘aid workers’ being ‘repatriated’ for treatment,or immigrants/tourists/refugees,then it is wrong to stop them and we should actually help them to get here by keeping travel links open. :open_mouth: :unamused:

ebola is not an easy infection to get actualy needs contact with bodily fluids. in a country where we don’t wash our dead it will be extremely hard according to the experts most of the currant out break has been past on this way

Scientusts have found no link between Ebola and Tulisa.
Only Ebola will finish you off.

ebola is not an easy infection to get actualy needs contact with bodily fluids. in a country where we don’t wash our dead it will be extremely hard according to the experts most of the currant out break has been past on this way

That’s probably the logic that the government are going by.When the reality is body fluids means not much difference to the common cold or Flu.IE someone touches something,like door handles etc etc that has been infected by any type of contamination with an infected person that’s enough to transmit the virus.I don’t think the Spanish nurse was infected by ‘washing’ an infected body.


ebola is not an easy infection to get actualy needs contact with bodily fluids. in a country where we don’t wash our dead it will be extremely hard according to the experts most of the currant out break has been past on this way

That’s probably the logic that the government are going by.When the reality is body fluids means not much difference to the common cold or Flu.IE someone touches something,like door handles etc etc that has been infected by any type of contamination with an infected person that’s enough to transmit the virus.I don’t think the Spanish nurse was infected by ‘washing’ an infected body.

You worried about H.I.V. then? You’re just as likely to catch that as ebola. The common cold or flu can survive for a while outside the body which is why it is passed on so easily, also they are commonly passed on through ‘airborne infection’ something which ebola isn’t.

This present ebola outbreak has been going on for months, but despite that we haven’t seen it spread to this country. Despite the months of scaremongering from the daily mail, bit like the sars virus of a few years back, that was,supposed to doom us all and bird flu, I’m sure one will wipe us out one day, that’s if we don’t get wiped out by an asteroid or super tsunami first.
As others have said if it does come here the most likely route will be through air travel not somebody on a truck.
This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be worried about the other things those in Calais might bring with them.
As,for this country being the easiest to get into, not really. Illegal immigration is a problem for almost all developed countries.


ebola is not an easy infection to get actualy needs contact with bodily fluids. in a country where we don’t wash our dead it will be extremely hard according to the experts most of the currant out break has been past on this way

That’s probably the logic that the government are going by.When the reality is body fluids means not much difference to the common cold or Flu.IE someone touches something,like door handles etc etc that has been infected by any type of contamination with an infected person that’s enough to transmit the virus.I don’t think the Spanish nurse was infected by ‘washing’ an infected body.

no aparantly she rubbed her eye with a glove she had just treated an ebola patient with


ebola is not an easy infection to get actualy needs contact with bodily fluids. in a country where we don’t wash our dead it will be extremely hard according to the experts most of the currant out break has been past on this way

That’s probably the logic that the government are going by.When the reality is body fluids means not much difference to the common cold or Flu.IE someone touches something,like door handles etc etc that has been infected by any type of contamination with an infected person that’s enough to transmit the virus.I don’t think the Spanish nurse was infected by ‘washing’ an infected body.

Apparently patients are not infectious until they start to show symptoms of Ebola. If they show the symptoms they become very ill very quickly, so aren’t going to be wandering around infecting everyone.
If you touch something like a door handle just spat on by someone with Ebola, you will not become infected yourself unless you happen to have an open wound on that hand, or are in the habit of licking your hands clean. Touching a door handle etc etc is not enough to infect you with Ebola on its own. There has to be an entry point, like a wound or a mucus membrane, where the virus can enter your system. Eyes are an example of a mucus membrane.
Bodily fluids is the only method of contracting HIV, are you that worried about catching HIV?
The common cold and flu have an airborne vector, not only bodily fluid contact.

Just how concerned should we be ?
We are told by the government they are ready for any outbreak but they cannot protect us from mass immigration our borders for an island ought to be high on impossible to penetrate with stringent Hecks but they are the easiest in the world.
All those waiting in France, who knows what diseases they’re harbouring just coming in unchecked.
Anyone concerned ?

I fly in and out of Nigeria amongst other places. We no longer layover in West Africa. We have special procedures. We limit access to the upper deck. Only government nurse and official come up along with dispatcher to laser check temp and get you to fill in a form. We also clean handle on door leading to stairs down to main deck. We were due to fly to Sierra Leone but that has been cancelled due risk.

Ebola is a dangerous ■■■■■■■ disease be under no illusion but risk of widespread to UK is next to negligible. The WHO agrees. Africa has a different culture that is largely responsible for spread and limited containment. It is easier to contract Ebola than HIV due to mechanisms. Also a large amount of people dying in Africa were previous careers of dying family members. Carers of AIDS victims rarel contract HIV.



ebola is not an easy infection to get actualy needs contact with bodily fluids. in a country where we don’t wash our dead it will be extremely hard according to the experts most of the currant out break has been past on this way

That’s probably the logic that the government are going by.When the reality is body fluids means not much difference to the common cold or Flu.IE someone touches something,like door handles etc etc that has been infected by any type of contamination with an infected person that’s enough to transmit the virus.I don’t think the Spanish nurse was infected by ‘washing’ an infected body.

You worried about H.I.V. then? You’re just as likely to catch that as ebola. The common cold or flu can survive for a while outside the body which is why it is passed on so easily, also they are commonly passed on through ‘airborne infection’ something which ebola isn’t.

So how did the Spanish nurse get infected and why the need for level 4 biohazard protection bearing in mind the generally accepted methods of transmission and protection against HIV at only level 2. :unamused:

beforeitsnews.com/alternative/20 … 06098.html



ebola is not an easy infection to get actualy needs contact with bodily fluids. in a country where we don’t wash our dead it will be extremely hard according to the experts most of the currant out break has been past on this way

That’s probably the logic that the government are going by.When the reality is body fluids means not much difference to the common cold or Flu.IE someone touches something,like door handles etc etc that has been infected by any type of contamination with an infected person that’s enough to transmit the virus.I don’t think the Spanish nurse was infected by ‘washing’ an infected body.

Apparently patients are not infectious until they start to show symptoms of Ebola. If they show the symptoms they become very ill very quickly, so aren’t going to be wandering around infecting everyone.
If you touch something like a door handle just spat on by someone with Ebola, you will not become infected yourself unless you happen to have an open wound on that hand, or are in the habit of licking your hands clean. Touching a door handle etc etc is not enough to infect you with Ebola on its own. There has to be an entry point, like a wound or a mucus membrane, where the virus can enter your system. Eyes are an example of a mucus membrane.
Bodily fluids is the only method of contracting HIV, are you that worried about catching HIV?
The common cold and flu have an airborne vector, not only bodily fluid contact.

The fact is Ebola lives outside the host on surfaces just as Flu does.An infected person can transfer the virus to a surface in just the same way as Flu where it can then be transferred to another person in just the same way as Flu.Which probably explains why Ebola is a level 4 biohazard as opposed to level 2 for HIV. :unamused:

Freight Dog:

Just how concerned should we be ?
We are told by the government they are ready for any outbreak but they cannot protect us from mass immigration our borders for an island ought to be high on impossible to penetrate with stringent Hecks but they are the easiest in the world.
All those waiting in France, who knows what diseases they’re harbouring just coming in unchecked.
Anyone concerned ?

I fly in and out of Nigeria amongst other places. We no longer layover in West Africa. We have special procedures. We limit access to the upper deck. Only government nurse and official come up along with dispatcher to laser check temp and get you to fill in a form. We also clean handle on door leading to stairs down to main deck. We were due to fly to Sierra Leone but that has been cancelled due risk.

Ebola is a dangerous [zb] disease be under no illusion but risk of widespread to UK is next to negligible. The WHO agrees. Africa has a different culture that is largely responsible for spread and limited containment. It is easier to contract Ebola than HIV due to mechanisms. Also a large amount of people dying in Africa were previous careers of dying family members. Carers of AIDS victims rarel contract HIV.

We’ve already seen an example of open air travel capabilities transferring the disease from Liberia to Texas where it was obviously just a matter of luck ( depending on ongoing incubation observation ) that the person didn’t transmit the virus into the person’s family/US population.I think your accurate description of the fear level of the virus shows that both the US and UK governments are letting down their populations badly and dangerously.Bearing in mind that even most African states have imposed severe travel restrictions on people and air transport to/from the infected areas of Africa.

as soon as eggs gave you salmonella,then I ate all the eggs I could get…when mad cow disease popped up,then I bought all the cheap steak I could eat…I never got bird flu,not have I had any of the numerous pandemics that were invented…so I don’t think anyone reading this will know someone with ebola…to be fair,i got aids twice a few years ago,but scrubbing my bell end with a bottle of Dettol,and a brick cleared it up in no time,and ive been fine ever since…pandemics my bum…bring it on.its just the usual blown out of proportion scaremongering…funny how everything nasty starts in Africa type countries though?? and it does fill out a newspaper page or 3… :smiley:

My problem with this is that originally through inaccurate or convenient reporting I was under the impression that once infected that was your lot,but recent events would suggest that survival is possible its just dependant on the standard of healthcare available to you. As usual the UK and US governments would rather waste millions on killing a few terrorists whose possible impact on the world as we know it pales into insignificance compared to the spread of Ebola if it is not contained.Lets be under no illusions here our government are happy to sacrifice a few of us rather than take any measures that would impact on global commerce but keep this country and its population safe. I wonder how much you will get fined if you bring the disease into the country as that is their hamfisted approach to drivers and companies who unknowingly bring illegal immigrants into the country and after all that policy is such a success …not! I have just been watching Boris Johnson on TV acknowledging that TB is on the increase particularly in London just goes to show how a really effective immunisation program which the UK used to have and has seen many common historic diseases almost eradicated can be so quickly undermined by a few successive governments with no effective border control policy.

My problem with this is that originally through inaccurate or convenient reporting I was under the impression that once infected that was your lot,but recent events would suggest that survival is possible its just dependant on the standard of healthcare available to you. As usual the UK and US governments would rather waste millions on killing a few terrorists whose possible impact on the world as we know it pales into insignificance compared to the spread of Ebola if it is not contained.Lets be under no illusions here our government are happy to sacrifice a few of us rather than take any measures that would impact on global commerce but keep this country and its population safe. I wonder how much you will get fined if you bring the disease into the country as that is their hamfisted approach to drivers and companies who unknowingly bring illegal immigrants into the country and after all that policy is such a success …not! I have just been watching Boris Johnson on TV acknowledging that TB is on the increase particularly in London just goes to show how a really effective immunisation program which the UK used to have and has seen many common historic diseases almost eradicated can be so quickly undermined by a few successive governments with no effective border control policy.

There’s no less reason to think that a mortality rate of around 50% + applies wherever you are in the world if you’re unfortunate enough to get infected with it.So far we’v got one dead in the states who western health care couldn’t save and one survived here.The Spanish nurse doesn’t seem to be in the clear yet but even if she survives that wouldn’t establish a less than 50% rate without at least one more example and probably a lot more more to establish if there’s any difference in mortality here compared with Africa.I wouldn’t want to bet on it with my or anyone else’s life thanks.The US and UK governments really have lost the plot on this one just like that issue of re importing TB etc owing to an open door immigration/travel policy with dangerous health problem areas.


My problem with this is that originally through inaccurate or convenient reporting I was under the impression that once infected that was your lot,but recent events would suggest that survival is possible its just dependant on the standard of healthcare available to you. As usual the UK and US governments would rather waste millions on killing a few terrorists whose possible impact on the world as we know it pales into insignificance compared to the spread of Ebola if it is not contained.Lets be under no illusions here our government are happy to sacrifice a few of us rather than take any measures that would impact on global commerce but keep this country and its population safe. I wonder how much you will get fined if you bring the disease into the country as that is their hamfisted approach to drivers and companies who unknowingly bring illegal immigrants into the country and after all that policy is such a success …not! I have just been watching Boris Johnson on TV acknowledging that TB is on the increase particularly in London just goes to show how a really effective immunisation program which the UK used to have and has seen many common historic diseases almost eradicated can be so quickly undermined by a few successive governments with no effective border control policy.

There’s no less reason to think that a mortality rate of around 50% + applies wherever you are in the world if you’re unfortunate enough to get infected with it.So far we’v got one dead in the states who western health care couldn’t save and one survived here.The Spanish nurse doesn’t seem to be in the clear yet but even if she survives that wouldn’t establish a less than 50% rate without at least one more example and probably a lot more more to establish if there’s any difference in mortality here compared with Africa.I wouldn’t want to bet on it with my or anyone else’s life thanks.The US and UK governments really have lost the plot on this one just like that issue of re importing TB etc owing to an open door immigration/travel policy with dangerous health problem areas.

The problem with in Africa is that people are scared to report their family member is infected as the know the authorities will take the the sick person away plus anyone who has has contact with the victim has to be quarantined then when they die they will not be able to grieve over the body wash the body as its taken away for cremation not berried which is customary .obviously this isn’t the whole reason why it has spread but a major factor