Diabetic Revue Recall

Hi Guys & Girls
I have received today a recall letter from my Doctors Surgery asking me to retake a Urine sample .
This is not the first time this as happened as I am a Type 2 Diabetic, this, along with my first recall eighteen months ago, states that my Renal Count was " 3.2 ", nothing at all to worry about.
Yet, again today my recall letter states " nothing to worry about ", but no Renal Count results from my last test.
My new Pathology Request asks for nothing, only states the the name of the requesting Doctor.
My one fear Folks is this, as a result of this, could this possibly be my last few weeks of enjoying good old English Real Ale.
If, that were to be the case,I would certainly choose life over death.
If it means nothing more than drinking soda water then so be it.
If anybody as had similar circumstances I for one would certainly enjoy reading of your experiences if that is the right word reading about them.
Thankyou for your time reading this.

The Doctor shalldn’t recall you.
Due of owning a HGV License you need to report Diabetes to DVLA and have to sort out with Doctor how often you re-check your Diabetes by giving Blood and Urin Samples every 3 or 6 Month.
Its on the Doctor or Diabetes Nurse how often they will check.Depence maily if your Bloodsugar Level keeps steedy or goes up and down.