Just lost my license and struggling

Hi All I am new to the forums and looking for some advice.
I have very recently being diagnosed with a heart condition known as Dilated cardiomyopathy also termed as heart failure.
It came as a massive shock to me as I was not feeling particularly unwell,but after a trip to the doctors and then 4 days in hospital and lots of tests came the diagnoses.My first question as an HGV driver was “can I drive”
I was told that my heart was enlarged and not pumping properly,My ejection fraction the rate at which blood pumps from the heart was 30% a normal heart pumps around 55 to 60% the minimum standard to drive an HGV by the DVLA is 40%
The minute I was put on the medication I felt much better and the past 4 weeks I have done things exercise wise I never thought I could do.My license has not yet been officially revoked but I am pretty sure it will be as soon as the DVLA received all my notes from my specialist.At the moment I am doing everything within my power to turn this around lose weight ,healthy eating,exercise, all the usual stuff.Has anyone else been in a similar position,if so how long did it take you to get your license back.I know everyone is different just looking for some rays of light at this very difficult time,I really loved my job and am really struggling to come to terms with everything thats happened.I know it could of been worse,I might not be sat hear telling this story.Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

Sorry to hear this Mark.

I have heard of class 1 drivers keeping their licence after having a Stent put in, but not sure about your condition.

Can’t you go on the office while they treat you, at least you won’t be too far from the action & maybe get back in the wagons if it all turns out ok ?

If your Consultant is happy for you to return to driving LGV when he writes to DVLA, and states so in his correspondance to them, they’ll probably go with his opinion while they investigate your case. They’ll make enquries into your medical history and maybe want to comission their own tests to confirm what they’ve been told. Thats what happened in my case after two stents in 2008.
Unfortunately after that your in the lap of the Gods and under their spotlight, should you retain your entitlements, expect to jump through hoops of fire in future years to retain them, good luck fella :wink:

Hi Mark
I Imagine that DVLA upon receiving the consultants report with suspend your HGV licence pending further enquiries. This is the standard route that they follow. However it will not mean that you cannot recover your licence at a future date. I had a heart attack in July 2012 , received 4 stents , had my licence suspended but was back driving HGV Class 1 on the 1st November 2012 , a total of 16 weeks later. So it need not be the end of your career.

The minimum criteria that you will face i imagine would be the treadmill test, which consists of you walking on a treadmill at various speeds and gradients for a period of approximatly 12 minutes. Whilst doing this you will be wired up to monitor your heart and blood pressures , providing you dont exceed the recomended heart rate levels and you can complete the treadmill excercise you most likely will retain your licence .

My advice is to listen to your consultant , impress upon him your desire to return to work and continue to make the efforts to get fit. The British Heart Foundation were a terrific source of help and advice in my case , they are accessible on line. Ask your GP to put you in touch will the local Heart Attack / Welfare Group who arrange special excercise classes in local amenities to assist you on your recovery , i found there advice and assistance invaluable.

Dont think that this is the end , it is the beginning , used loved ones and familly as sources of hope and inspiration , think about unfinished bussiness and what you still want to achieve and see and use it to help you through this difficult time.

Dont give up Big Fella , KRO :smiley:
