did you know............

being a single mother of 2 teenagers i have to fit work round them, not always easy but manage quite well with a little help from my mam, although kids do understand

I’m done

that there are only 54 days to christmas

so how are you doing with getting ready :laughing:


Hi Pam

In other words, its 8 weeks last Thursday to Christmas Day. Have a few presents, but not many. I hate Christmas, theres to much hype and all the shops start early, its too depressing.

no rush ladies its not xmas eve yet plenty of time to do it then.

started on the choclates though(eating not saving)


54 DAYS!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

That means I’m rapidly running out of time in which to emigrate and avoid the whole fiasco… :cry: :wink: :laughing:

That sounds tempting. I fancy going to the Bahamas, fancy coming Lucy?

Sounds spot on, Sam…will get the tickets booked!!! :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

I usually just hibernate until it’s all over. Normally poke my head out again about Jan 2nd or so.

54 shopping days to Xmas!! That means its just over 60 days to the January sales when the missus starts buying for NEXT Xmas :confused:
Just tell the kids that Santa has been made redundant and their Xmas lists won’t make it to Lapland because of the Postal workers strike :exclamation:
I’d better get the old woman something this year or I’ll be getting divorce papers for next crimbo :frowning:

well i’m not doing so well :cry: i have only got a couple of presents so far although most of the food is sorted :slight_smile: next week i really must get moving or otherwise i’ll be doing steve’s trick and going up the town christmas eve


:open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: It’s official, I have started christmas shopping :open_mouth: fair enough I bought the gifts in service stations (stylish huh! :wink: ) but I have started, I even bought some wrapping paper.

I’m done…never even left the house…thank heaven for online shopping!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


no rush theres still 3 weeks to go calm down

judging by the amount of stock going in to the store theres plenty of buyers even are trash(don’t tell the gaffer) is selling


just did a list and going to do some shopping this afternoo :laughing: n

Happy Christmas :laughing:

My getting ready for most things normally consists of having to sit down & compile yet anouther stupid list.
She loves lists, her world would end with out them.